The Statue
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The Statue


作者: Michael Castellani
出版年: 2006-2
页数: 156
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595377589







"'Well, you see, a great many people have the wrong idea about us Catholics. They think that we all have one purpose in mind, and that is to change everything around us according to the way we believe, and since you are the principal of the school, with such authority, well, I guess it kind of scares them."" John Brady and his thirteen-year-old son, Tim, have just moved to a small town where John will be the principal at the local school. Both knew that they would face many changes in the coming months, but neither one could have anticipated that their religious beliefs would not be accepted. Life looks bleak for the Brady men until they meet Grace Hammer, a mysterious woman who eventually becomes Mrs. John Brady. But she also becomes a target because of her association with these 'outsiders." While John tries to protect his family from a would-be murderer, Tim becomes fascinated with a statue of Michael the Arc Angel at their church. As mysterious events associated with the statue occur, John and Grace practically become convinced something is psychologically wrong with Tim. That is, until the prophecies that he claims are from Michael start to come true. Are the disillusioned townsfolk about to witness a miracle?

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