Irish Eyes
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Irish Eyes


作者: Zoe Grider
出版年: 2005-12
页数: 264
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595374823







"My thoughts stray to this evening and I try to imagine how all this is going to play out. I'm not scared. I'm anxious of the unknown. I'm thankful to be working with such professional people. Phil warms my thoughts. He was there for me before and I know he will be there for me again." "Irish Eyes" spins Danny Kirk from a boring desk job with the army into the adventure of her dreams. From the island beaches of Hawaii, to New Braunsfels, Canada, and the woods of Virginia, Danny vows to protect the country and its people by any means possible. Recruited by the Secret Security Agency, the sky is the only limit. Killer sharks, dangerous parachute jumps into dense rain forests, and deadly terrorists keep her second-guessing her decision to become part of a team of government-backed renegades. Just as she gets comfortable with the idea, her former trainer, Sir Edward, tries to drown her and a crazed maniac attempts to kill her. Her anger drives her, even as she succumbs to a dark and sexy security officer, Phil Salio, and embarks on her first dangerous mission. But will her training be enough to keep her alive?

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