The Blushing MBA
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The Blushing MBA


作者: Feddy Pouideh
出版年: 2005-11
页数: 292
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595372874







Enjoy a funny sneak-peek at life inside an Ivy League business school from someone who's been there and lived to tell the tale... Excerpt from The Admissions Interview: I can't remember anything on my resume. Oh my God, I've gone blankwhat am I doing here? My pulse is racing, my throat is tight, and I'm sweating. Move out of my way, I have to get out of here After 20 minutes, my nerves finally begin to calm (which would have been great if the interview hadn't finished in 10). The interviewer concludes with, "How do you want to be remembered by your classmates?" Remembered? Because this program will surely be the death of me? He hands me his card when we finish. "Call me if you have any questions." The interview is over. Over? I am numb as I leave his office, stunned that the moment I have worked a lifetime for is now history. Wait When he said, "It's over," was he referring to the interviewor to my future in business? The Blushing MBA is a funny, candid chronicle of one woman's adventure inside an Ivy League business school. It's an inspirational tribute to college, graduate school, and to anyone who has ever dared to enter the wild world of business.

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