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作者: Thomas Pearson
出版年: 2009-11
页数: 624
定价: $ 55.36
ISBN: 9781116404753







Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III. THE DENIAL OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENTIAL GOVERNMENT, OR NATURALISM. Distinctive characteristic of Naturalism?Denounces every idea of Divine interposition?Not peculiar to any age or country?Broadly manifested in some works on Physical and Moral Science: System of Auguste Gomte?" Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation " ? Humboldt's " Cosmos " ? Combe's " Constitution of Man"?The Owen School?Naturalism in the department of Bible Theology: Anti-miracle School of Germany?Spinoza? Paulus?Strauss?Miracles considered?Hume and Strauss alike guilty of a petitio principii?Denial of Special Inspiration of Scriptures?Theodore Parker?Inspiration viewed as a fact? Mr. Morell's Position?General remarks upon Naturalism as a whole?The idea of a self-sustaining universe based upon false analogy?Chargeable with anthropomorphism?Opposed to palpable evidence of Geology?Assigns no adequate cause for Christianity and its effects?Diametrically opposed to the religion of the Bible ?Naturalism unnatural. Naturalism, or, as it is sometimes called, rationalism, is distinguishable enough from atheism and pantheism. The rationalist is distinguished from the atheist by his theoretical belief of a Supreme Power, and he is distinguished from the pantheist by his denial of an ever-present and all-pervading Divine energy. The pantheist says, God is at hand; the rationalist says,God is afar off. Pantheism sees the Divine Being in all things, and confounds the Creator with the creation. Whereas naturalism, though distinguishing Him from his works, banishes Him into a distant solitude. It is not essential to this system that the evidences of design in proof of a creative intelligence be denied, however much it may tend in that direction, and though many of its abettors may have gone that length...

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