Life and Times on the Rock and Roll
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Life and Times on the Rock and Roll


作者: Paul Mitch
出版年: 2007-2
页数: 148
定价: $ 22.59
ISBN: 9780955251009







This incredible story is based on a true account of a man called Paul Mitch. It is set against a background of high adventure, romance and hilarious comedy. It follows my fortunes, and misfortunes, as I am dramatically thrown out of my home after a marriage break-up, making me homeless and destitute. After years of heartbreak and decline I meet, by chance, a retired naval officer in London; we become the best of friends. The man is wealthy and of high standing but he still craves for more excitement and adventure. I suddenly find myself being transported around the world in grand luxurious style, travelling on QE2 luxury liner and living the life of a film star with millionaire status. Through excitement the edges of reality became blurred. Things unimaginable were happening to me that I never before dreamt of. It was like being on another planet and in another dimension; out of tragedy came a lifestyle that was incomprehensible. The unbelievable characters that I met along the way and the hilarious comedy situations I found myself in, intermingled with a tear jerking romance with a beautiful Asian woman. Finally, in chapter fifteen comes the frightening prospect of a visitation by an alien race called the Greys, as foreseen in the year 2012. The whole book comes together to create a truly compelling story...

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