Warming to Ecocide
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Warming to Ecocide


作者: Alan J·Sangster
出版年: 2011-9
页数: 355
定价: $ 190.97
ISBN: 9780857299253







If a future generation of humans, dwelling on an impoverished hot dying planet, were to indict the post second world war generations for ecocide, would they have a good case? To succeed they would have to be able to show that mankind had enough comprehension of the science of global warming to have understood the warnings, but preferred to ignore them. Warming to Ecocide argues that the science which underpins climate change is primarily thermodynamics, which is shown to be much more embedded than is commonly appreciated in the energetic processes on Earth. It is not just the science behind steam propulsion. In fact it is demonstrated that equilibrium thermodynamics can provide full explanations for the basis processes of life such as photosynthesis and metabolism, and that non-equilibrium thermodynamics is close to providing an explanation for how life started. Armed with a solid appreciation of the power of thermodynamics, the second half of Warming to Ecocide evaluates climate change from a thermodynamic perspective and offers strategies whereby mankind may avoid propelling the global average temperature above the pre-industrial level by more than 2 C, which the science views as a threshold presaging catastrophic run-away processes.

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