A Woman in her Prime_布罗迪小姐的青春书评-查字典图书网
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OtherAthena 布罗迪小姐的青春 的书评 发表时间:2011-02-22 23:02:44

A Woman in her Prime

 "The complexity of these two characters, especially Jean Brodie, mirrors the complexity of human life. Jean Brodie is genuinely intent on opening up her girls' lives, on heightening their awareness of themselves and their world, and on breaking free of restrictive, conventional ways of thinking, feeling, and being".-----Hal Hager

"Over time, Sandy's interest in the man wanes while her interest in the mind that loves Jean Brodie grows."---"it's only possible to betray where loyalty is due".-----opps! "And Sandy thought,too, the woman is an unconscious Lesbian"----------who is lesbian actually?!?!? that confuse me right now....

"She seeks to influence her clique of students to do her bidding and this leads to her ultimate undoing."------whhhh

"When Sandy reaches maturity, she finds she must distance herself from the mentor she too closely resembles. And yet, the more Sandy imagines she has rejected Miss Brodie, the more Sandy's life parallels Miss Brodie's life. "-----good point

"Philosophically, the book is a meditation on predestination. Spark mentions, almost in passing, the Calvinistic view that how you live your life has no bearing on the eternal future God chooses for you. She regularly interrupts the narrative with a glimpse of the future of one of the characters. Often there seems to be no connection between the little girls we are getting to know and the adult women they become. This in itself is a parody of the randomness of the theory of predestination. But the real irony of the theory is played out in Sandy's life. On the one hand, Sandy's dreamy, self-absorbed personality seems a carbon copy of Miss Brodie's. On the other hand, Sandy finds Miss Brodie ridiculous. Sandy tries hard to make choices that reject Miss Brodie's influence. But they all backfire, and the themes that drive Sandy's life - vicarious love and confused renunciation - parallel Miss Brodie's anyway." ------Precisely!

"This is a dark, dark novel, deceptively wrapped in the cheerful packaging of birthday and Christmas gift paper. As the story unfolded I found that Miss Brodie was not the harmless beatnik before her time which I was lead to imagine she was. She is also not a classic anti-heroine. Sandy is even darker. She is more Brodie than Brodie; unhampered in her choices by considerations of conscience or sentimentality. "---------Yep

Ok that's all sofar


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