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发福的唐吉珂徳 她的国 的书评 发表时间:2013-03-21 13:03:53

Beneath the Herland

If I were a feminist, I would feel reluctant to admit Herland as one of the fictional works that properly illustrate feminism. The perspective of feminism would be alarmingly narrowed down if it were nothing but female overthrowing the other gender. More pessimistically, this so-called Feminism Utopia is just constructed in the shadow of male-oriented domain.


Of course, the male figures are outrun in every aspect in the novel, but the stunning capabilities of prowess and agility that the Herlandians possess are what the male traditionally exhibit, showing that it is still the male qualities that hold sway, or at least get highlighted for a race to survive and prosper. More regrettably, by having the children raised only by experts, the woman is deprived of a merit that would normally characterize females [1]. Therefore, the whole setting is still based on the logic of male-domain world, with the opposite gender contorted, or idealized, to fit the prerequisites.


Also, I find it difficult to believe if not shaped by the view from male logic how can a dreamful world focus so fervently on utilitarianism: all less-favored beings(even butterflies [2]) are “breed-out”, birth rights(by parthenogenesis of course) are strictly put under control. Efficiency rules out sensibility. More significantly, such an impeccable land along with its social structure is presented by the narrative of a male, discovered and explored by the male. This Herland is literally a SIGHT through the gaze of male. It means that only through the eyesight of Male can the gender female be defined, even as a progressive version.


Another interesting part is the lack of any female counterpart in our world. Viewed as a complete universe, Herland only has less masculine male and superb female. Therefore, in this very sense, we may consider the novel as one attempting to smudge the boundary of sex. However, functioned as compensation, fantasy actually magnifies what the painful realities are in the outer, as well as inner, world of the writer.

[1] P 95

[2] P100

cited from Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 1860-1935. Herland Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

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对“Beneath the Herland”的回应

离歌笑 2015-03-23 00:59:42

True feminism should be anything but restrain people, especially female, from being who they are, pursuing what they crave, loving whatever and whoever they love. Herland is an imperfect world requires betterment, so does ours.