Useful_The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs书评-查字典图书网
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需求是发明之母 The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 的书评 发表时间:2013-12-09 11:12:31


This is the first book that I roughly read, costed only a week.

According to my unreliable memory:

The first point I remember was that not to describe your ideas on slides. Instead, by using pen and paper, it will directly help you to draw your concept which bursts out of the mind. I personally appreciate this point quite much. Because in the past, for convenience, I used to write down what I thought on slides and demonstration software, like Mindmanager. Later I found out that a demonstration software should be used for demonstration, only. Computer is easy of course, no more pen, no more papers. But, it's cold, it won't dance with your mind, neither it will embrace your passion.

Second, no body cares about your product or service, they care whether there is anything to do with their lives. This reminds me of experience as a salesman back in Shanghai three years ago. No body gave a shit about who you were and what you sold, they cared about their stand. As long as you bounded your products with their benefit, sometimes it was personal benefit, they might spend half minute to think about the possibility of giving you a chance. If you don't follow this rule, "the door is just right behind you."

Third, about practice. I didn't realize that a lecturer would spend a lot of time practicing. This is an universal rule of success, but I ignored it because I am poor in lecturing while the masters spraying individual glamour on stage, so in subconsciousness, I see the ability of lecturing as a gift from God. The book tells us that, even a man is gifted by God, a thorough and tough practice is always needed.

Fourth, taste. I don't know the functional difference between Windows and Mac OS, however, it is obvious that a Mac OS interface is no doubt a product of high-end. Regarding taste, as a graduate of design major, I do aware that I am neither gifted in making high-end designs, but I do care other people's designs, lol.

Last, stay hungry, stay foolish. I love this. But I see how difficult it is after you grow older, after meeting many imbeciles around. Wish God bless me on this, I will do my best.

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