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云丹拉姆 时尚女魔头 的书评 发表时间:2012-04-17 11:04:49


人名:Gogol 果戈理
        Tolstoy 托尔斯泰
        Chekhov 契科夫
        Nabokov Lolita
        Caesar 凯撒(古罗马的将军,政治家,历史家,公元前100-44)
        neoclassical 新古典主义的
地名:Tel Aviv 特拉维夫(以色列港市)
      Dubai 迪拜(阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一)
颜色:ecru 米色 本色
      burgundy 勃艮第(法国东南部地方的地名,该地产的红葡萄酒)
      burgundy color : a dark grayish or blackish red to dark purplish red or reddish brown.
      Beige 淡棕色 米色
服饰: 1.corduroy 灯芯绒
     2.tote 手提包
     3. blazer 宽松运动外衣
     4. stiletto 细高跟鞋
     5. lingerie 女内衣
     6. pinstripe 细条纹 细条纹的布料
     7. suede n.绒面革
     8. square-toed loafer
     9. loafer 平底便鞋
     10.tassel 流苏
        11. brooch 胸针 针饰
        12. fray v.(使布、绳等)磨损, 磨破
        13. sole 鞋底
        14. mink 水貂皮 mink coat 貂皮大衣
        15. slingback (鞋后帮呈带状的)露跟女鞋A shoe with a strap that wraps around the back of the heel
        16. ballet flats
        17. high-heeled boots
        18. open-toe sandals
        19. beaded heels bead:(空心)小珠子
        20. stocking 长袜 sock 短袜
        21. panties (妇女或儿童的)短衬裤
        22. slip :A woman's undergarment of dress length with shoulder straps
        23. camisole (贴身)女背心A woman's sleeveless undergarment, now usually worn under a sheer blouse.
        24. corset (妇女为衬托身体的)紧身胸衣A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts.
        25. linen 亚麻布
        26.muffler 围巾A heavy scarf worn around the neck for warmth.
        27.shawl围巾, 披肩 A square or oblong piece of cloth worn as a covering for the head, neck, and shoulders.
      28.silk shawl丝巾
      29.bowling bag
      30.under-arms, over-shoulders, minis, oversize, clutches, envelopes and messengers
食物:1.cheddar (英国产的)切达干酪
          2.chowder 杂烩A thick soup containing fish or shellfish, especially clams, and vegetables, such as potatoes and onions, in a milk or tomato base. E.g. Clam chowder
        3.ladle 长柄勺
          ladle out (用大汤勺)舀出,盛出;盛出(很多食物)
                   He ladled out the soup.他用大勺分汤。
                    He ladles out compliments to everyone, but he’s not really sincere.他见人就大加吹捧, 但并非出于诚意。
        sashimi 〈日〉生鱼片 chunks of sashimi
        bagel 硬面包圈
        6. lox 熏鲑鱼Smoked salmon
        7. whitefish 白鲑属鱼
        8. latke n.马铃薯饼 A pancake, especially one made of grated potato.
        9.smear vt.涂抹 smear cream cheese on salt bagel
        10. lime 酸橙
        11. platter <美>大浅盘 on a silver platter 不图回报地(给予);拱手相让
        12. amaretto 意大利苦杏酒 An Italian liqueur flavored with almond
        13. mocha 摩卡巧克力咖啡 A coffee beverage flavored with milk,sugar, and cocoa
        14.caramel macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵
        15. asparagus 芦笋
        16. snifter 窄口的酒杯A pear-shaped goblet with a narrow top, used especially in serving brandy.
        17. goblet 高脚酒杯

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OLIE 2014-10-20 12:16:30


细雪 2013-07-29 20:15:42

well done

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