the mark of new programmer standard_多处理器编程的艺术书评-查字典图书网
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navy.xliu 多处理器编程的艺术 的书评 发表时间:2009-03-12 21:03:44

the mark of new programmer standard

This book is very new. I'm still wondering why the authors titled this book multeprocessors instead of much more eye-attractive multicore. Maybe they tought they are actually the same unsolved problems. Parallelization came from very specific domains like Operating System, system libraries, science computations, etc. SMP or later multicore pushed this technique into the front stage in decade. One of the pioneers -- Dijkstra, has been passed away in 2002. C.R. Hoare, is also 75 years-old. Even so many so smart figures devoted all their lifes, there are many difficulties and great hardness obstracling in front of today's programers.
10 years before, a newbie who grabed programming experiences in his college dorm dare say that he or she is computer guy, and then will get a blue hat of IT. Nevertheless,the criteria has extended to question like can you implement a thread-safe Queue or stack after free-lunch's is over. Obviously, programmers struggled against giving up their familiar and rusty programming languages. for their fondness, this book illuminates their knowledage and examples in the form of traditional way -- java. It is key feature to be accepted by average joe programmer.
Maybe this book can became the mark of new programmer standard.

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