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半人 入味 的书评 发表时间:2014-05-09 15:05:13

A Brief Introduction To This Book

A taste of a tasting: Culture distinction and Heath perspective in the Gourmet Foodscape
Book Description
This important new cultural analysis tells four stories about food. The first depicts all through the food history how do people make food colorful and tasteful by using natural herbs and chemical seasonings. Foodies frequent ‘hole in the wall’ looks for their desired food color and special tastes by their experience, appreciate the dishes found in restaurants they are familiar with, and reject the whole natural food without adding often used food additives. The second story describes how do people all around the world insists their own perspectives on how to eat in their own ways, rejecting food coming from different culture of others thinking, though sometimes they make a little bit fusion, they eat under collective unconscious. The third tells how do people living in North America, including Chinese American and natives, their living style and how do they make "food fusion " on their understandings about what food should be like as well as their lost in divergent culture circle. The fourth recalls stories on human food history, how do people make food legend based on “theirsay"or rumors. People would like to accept those stories because they believe food in their belonged culture deserves a beautiful piteous lot. Sometimes foodies eat after economic and cultural elites, indirectly maintaining and reproducing social inequality.
On the whole, the first storyline focus on seasoning production that anyone can be a foodie if they make or plant herbs by themselves. T he second overviews in nowadays individuals lifestyles from different culture. The third tells how foodies in USA of Canada think about their relative social and economic privilege. The fourth intends to back into prehistory how food culture originated.
By simultaneously considering these stories, this book is not only a book about food, but also a book about philosophy, aesthetics, history, medical science, sociology, chemistry, even religion. It consists a broad range of food cultural and folk recipes, photos, from billionaires to rural peasants ,eastern to western, neolithic to modern, even doggie foods ......what we called it a mix of "Gastrology".

About the Author
Zhuang Zuo is a Chinese Canadian writer lives in Toronto. His major area of research is folklore. On 2010 he opened a small restaurant in Toronto and turns into the sociology (some people call it Gastrology) of food study. His first book published in 2013: A Miscellaneous of Folk Culinary Art won the Best Foreign Cuisine Book ( 2013 GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOKS AWARDS ), one of eight books listed on China's first Book for the New Year.

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对“A Brief Introduction To This Book”的回应

半人 2014-06-20 11:24:45


靜海君 2014-06-19 15:48:53


半人 2014-06-02 19:26:45


卖煎饼的薄荷酱 2014-06-02 06:01:51

很期待读你的书 :)