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Freiheit Healing Pluto Problems 的书评 发表时间:2010-01-17 23:01:58

Bible of Plutonians !


这周每天早晨一个人在Lab里面读这本书,有时候也在读Donna的Moon Signs. 每天快到中午的时候再开始读专业方面的论文,真是一段快乐的时光!


Plutonian本质上都对一切禁忌有着强烈的兴趣。想来想去,越想越深,这也就是为什么一次背叛(或者普通的告别)能让Plutonian一生都念念不忘,甚至其他人看来,多么小和微不足道。也正是这种倾向,才让"分析"成为Plutonian的特征。双子(水星)只是和信息联系在一起的。同理水瓶(天王星)也和分析无关。能够和分析(深入进入事物)有关的只有冥王星以及天蝎座。正如居里夫人和她老公能够十几年天天在沥青里面提炼,最后得到了铀。天蝎(冥王)也正是这种一种倾向坚持数十年去做事情。居里夫人太阳重合火星重合土星重合金星落于天蝎座冲对面的冥王星。皮埃尔*居里是月亮位于天蝎座冲冥王星并且和土星形成T三角。只有这种极度冥王的人才能够是核能的发现者。而核也正是最具有破坏力但是强大能量又能积极造福世界的事物。这样,冥王星的性质: 分析,破坏,权力,转化,之间的内在联系也就很明显地联系在一起。以前见过巴菲特的星图,也是冥王星-天王星的刑相位很强大很显著的。

大学毕业同学告别,天蝎座的很多人(不是所有人)好像比其他人更难过一些。或者恋爱分手,天蝎座或者Plutonian也会想很久都忘记不了。这些都是一些最简单的Plutonian现象。或者我们很奇怪对于死去的朋友,社会通常的处理方法是忘记,而天蝎-冥王却好像最难做到。 冥王星的概念和禁忌相连,Plutonian也就最容易陷入那样的心理,因为冥王人把事情看得太重了所以才会觉得永远难过,才会对背叛或者分别永远不忘。天天拿宋明理学的修身段落来安慰Plutonian根本没有用,因为那些念头还会继续出现。最大的离别当然是好朋友的死亡了。Plutonian很难忘,常常会在几年或者十几年后还悲伤或者至少总想,正反映了Plutonian对生活的深深不安。这种天蝎心理正是最永久最深入的心理,也对应了关于宇宙最重要最终极的含义。多数Plutonian都不会意识到这点,也不会意识到几乎一生对某人或者某件事念念不忘,这还能联系到什么更深层的事情。

天王星的性质好像是告诉人们,个人不必为了社会(土星木星)的盲目而束缚,自由和个性是能给人带来价值和意义的东西。海王星的性质好像是告诉人们,宇宙联系,万物一体,所以人才能从优秀的文学等等中找到更升华的感觉,好像就是更High,酒精,基督教也都是类似了。Higher Self。但是到了海王星还有很多事情没有解决。这就是冥王星的层次了。第六章里面Donna承认她拥有灵媒能力(别人说我都不会信,可是她是我占星启蒙老师),Donna还提到了自杀者的灵魂。到此,好像生命的意义也很明显了,如果海王星还是在展望Higher Self的话,冥王星就是靠时时刻刻的不安来提醒人,有重要的事情要做,人生是要通过克服,通过学习,等等来达到一定意义的。

冥王星联系着深深的不安。第一次读到很多在这个世界上真正发生的可怕事情(2009伊朗,1997印尼,1945东德,1939南京),真的让人毛骨悚然,甚至对Plutonian,这些事情不会因为读过很久而忘记(也是这种原因Plutonian才长长学习成绩好)。一般的Plutonian读那些会觉得自己深深不安,对世界毫无安全感,毫无信任,而如果这位Plutonian的冥王星还和12宫的东西有联系,比如对冲,那更可怕了,会觉得自己好像被那样虐待过一样。我想如果很多人能够真的做到Plutonian的自我觉悟,也就明白那些心理都是一种巨大能量,推动人生命的不断向前努力。冥王星和孤独深深相连。土星的孤独若是和成功前的自卑相连,冥王星的孤独就真的只和个人的终极感相连。。冥王星的心理是最不能用语言描述的。觉得几十年前的什么事情很可怕很难过,根本就是不能够说出来的心理。也许Plutonian如果真的通过常常受刺痛而自我觉悟,就应该这样想:那些可怕的事情就该告诉自己,世界不是来for fun的。(也许对不看不想的人来说可以当成for fun) 既然自己时刻都常常想到,就是时刻提醒自己要有某些任务此生要做,和财富地位(土星)等等都无关,但是却是和出生相关的终极意义。

第五章就是著名的Incest和domestic voilence的了。里面讲得很不错。冥王星的心理往往和最阴暗的秘密联系在一起,根本难以放入语言,无法面对,最后也就在Plutonian心中越积累越多,再到最后他们就喜欢以扭曲的权力--暴力来在他人身上获得心理平衡。而新的受害者往往因为同样的原因处理不好,最后(长大后)也会成为新的施害者。不知为什么,我总想到美杜莎,因为好嫉妒(天蝎性质)得罪雅典娜而变成那个样子,之后就只能以把别人变成石头为乐趣。就连美杜莎蛇一般的头发都像是天蝎的尾巴!





Donna的书里面好像还对很多Plutonian型的受害人提供了很多转化的方法。我的Pluto没那么强,暂时也还没来得及读。Pluto型的毁灭虽然可怕,但是转化还是极其了不起的。Donna总喜欢拿凤凰来比喻,reborn from its own ashes。(我想到那个 "Risen from the ruins",DDR的国歌名) 我相信转化的力量也是很强大。一旦认识到那些是自己无论如何都想做的事情,就会永远感觉有巨大能量推动。


巧合的是正当我读这本书的时候,Donna在她的网站上贴出"测量你的冥王-天蝎程度"。 我的得分是15分。也就是Plutonian入门槛级的水平(再低一点我也就不算Plutonian了)。鉴于我星图中至少7颗星都能算是强的,冥王-天蝎也算是我能够深切有共鸣的元素之一了。


冥王星行运,好像是走到哪里就毁灭哪里的。一切都和以前不同了。比如,最近两年对我们这代人的海王星。甚至冥王拱某本命星星的时候,也有点毁灭的含义。但是,这就是它的独特意义了。处理好的情况就是升华。进入新的层次。也许很多人觉得自己的时代被骗了。本命和海王相联系的领域被时代欺骗了(比如蜗居为什么这么流行),一辈子再也不同,然后就变得像我们的上一辈人那么麻木生活或者很俗地生活(像蜗居)。但是还有人会更加顽强,what has not destroy me, will make me stronger,像这个尼采说得一样。

有用 36 无用 4


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对“Bible of Plutonians !”的回应

捏墨 2016-01-02 20:13:41


叽叽喳喳么么哒 2015-12-08 22:54:18

求测试网址 囧 文中的没了

宿命纠结时光 2014-12-02 15:32:59


bbjoe 2014-05-07 15:48:50


猫咪历险记 2013-10-03 13:11:57


路西法的猫 2013-10-03 00:18:54


猫咪历险记 2013-06-01 23:14:26

我以前做过一个中文的冥王星人的测算,记得可能是30多分。。反正我是纯冥王星人。从小就感到它强大的力量。这个力量跟土星完全不同的。是心理和精神层次的@( ̄- ̄)@

观星者Leo 2012-08-29 15:09:31


Freiheit 2012-03-02 21:35:11


colin 2012-02-07 09:54:58


不叫郑小某 2011-12-01 15:00:37


Freiheit 2011-04-27 11:40:53

How Strong is your Pluto? Here’s the Score!
©1-16-2010 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Would you be considered a Plutonian person? You would if Pluto, the sign Scorpio, and the 8th house are strong in your birth chart. Below is a test to give these chart features a score and then a description of what that score says about you. While there aren’t any scientific measurements of a planet’s strength, I’ve assigned number scores to certain chart factors, based on 40 years of doing charts professionally.

This test is one of a series of four similar tests for the outer planets. It assigns point values to various chart features. (In order to find these elements of a chart, you’d need to be at least an intermediate student or know one who can do it for you.) In each of the categories below, add the total score of all the factors that apply to that item, and write the total on the blank. Then add all the items up to find out how your Pluto ranks.

Here are the orbs I use for aspects: 8° for a conjunction or opposition, up to 6° for a square or trine, 3° for the minor aspects. The only exception would be a conjunction to the Midheaven or Ascendant, and, using the Gauquelin system, that is 10°.

____ Pluto conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.

____ Pluto conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.

____ Pluto in minor aspect (sextile, quincunx, quintile, semisquare, or sesquiquadrate) to the Sun, Moon, or other planets, 2 points each.

____ Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Midheaven in Scorpio, 5 points each.

____BONUS POINTS: Pluto in Scorpio or the 8th, Scorpio on the cusp of the 8th, 5 points each

____ Other planets in Scorpio, 3 points each.

____ Sun or Moon in the 8th house, 5 points each.

____ Other 8th house planets, 3 points each.

Total all the chart features that apply. 0-10 would be considered low, while 15-25 indicates a moderately strong influence and may make you a Plutonian. More than 25? Very strong indeed! (If you were born with the Pluto-Uranus conjunction of the 1960s, do both tests to find out which of the pair influences you most.)

What does Being a Plutonian Mean?

Pluto has a wide range of expressions. At the unevolved level, Plutonians can engage in manipulating or coercing others, abuses of power, battles for control, resentments and grievances, failing for spite, and being a target of other people’s projections.

At the evolved level, the expressions can include transforming, healing, and empowering themselves and people and conditions they care about. Plutonians can have a natural gift for psychology, the healing arts, and understanding what makes people tick.

Pluto Issues: Power and control, trust, to discover and analyze what lies beneath the surface and eliminate the undesirable, separateness, holding on to things or feelings, revenge, death and endings, rebirth, healing, and transformation.

Worldly matters associated with Pluto/Scorpio: Sexuality, wealth, uses and abuses of power, corruption and dirty dealing, secrets, exposes, occult, healing, psychology, death and the afterlife, national and personal debt, terrorism, stocks.

Examples of Plutonian occupations: researcher, funeral director, grief counselor, OB/GYN staff, oncologist, psychotherapist, healer, medium, past life therapist, sex therapist, insurance agent, financial planner, I.R.S agent, bill collector, exterminator.

Interpreting your Scores—ARE you a Plutonian?

No written interpretation can fully explore Pluto’s status in an individual chart, but here are some qualities you might find in someone who has a strong Pluto vs. one with few supporting chart features. (You’ll find sources of more detailed interpretations below.)

If you had a high score, you’re an over-achiever in the matters of Pluto: You’re probably a Plutonian and therefore extremely strong in some the qualities listed above—the positive ones, the negative ones, or more likely both ends of the spectrum at once. You may alternate between isolation and being joined at the hip in obsessive relationships; in the worst of times, you could be controlling; mistrustful; emotional intensity; bitter, vengeful. And/or you may be dedicated to healing yourself, and as you learn how to do that, can become a natural healer and catalyst in the lives of people around you.

If you had a low score, you may be an under-achiever in the matters of Pluto: If your score is down in the single digits, you may be lacking in some of the qualities listed above. You may not often look deeply within and may be missing important psychological insights that could help you change undesirable patterns. When you have a bad setback, you may take longer to mobilize yourself to come back from it.

On the bright side, you’re probably pretty easy going and not likely to carry grudges or harbor plans for revenge. Until you’re challenged by Pluto transits—like the Pluto-Uranus-Saturn cardinal t-square of 2010-12, you might not give a rat’s behind about transforming your self or your world.

Example of a Plutopalooza: Actor Matt Damon, who has 3 planets in Scorpio, 4 planets in the 8th house, and a Grand trine that involves Pluto, is a big time Plutonian with a score of 50. (See his chart, birth information, and bio here: Damon, Matt)

Plutopalooza Update: Apparently Skywriter has readers who make Matt Damon look like a punk. One reader had a score of 73! Check out the comments section–we had a Pluto party here today!

So, folks, how did you do? Were the test results accurate about you and your loved ones? This is a new and simplified version of some of my older tests, so you’re my beta testers. Tell me how it went in the comments section.

瞬间 2011-04-25 23:07:54


香草 2011-01-08 10:49:50


Freiheit 2010-12-27 11:33:38


[已注销] 2010-12-25 10:43:30


Freiheit 2010-05-14 07:47:29


LustForFun 2010-05-13 14:27:29


sonia 2010-02-03 11:47:12

冥王是和花心没关系,主要是金冥相位在感情上的破坏力和致命吸引力。看到的一些资料说,金冥刑的人容易成为第三者,金冥冲的容易被第三者插足。Anyway, 有金冥相位的人,都会有一种莫名的魅力,引得别人和自己飞蛾扑火。

Freiheit 2010-02-03 11:28:10

不好意思。仔细看了看,居里夫人是天蝎座的太阳冲冥王。天蝎座的金星火星土星重合射手座的水星。 文章前面写的有点问题,太阳没有和那一串重合。但是我前面没有写皮埃尔居里金冥刑的。 至于第三者问题。我想冥王星和花心毫无关系吧。

sonia 2010-02-02 23:08:31


Freiheit 2010-01-29 21:30:02


自梳羽 2010-01-29 14:37:16
