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万源一 爱不曾遗忘任何人 的书评 发表时间:2016-01-03 23:01:25




This is a book about spirituality, real spirituality, not what has been passing for spirituality in the pop media over the last two decades. Spirituality has become totally confused with the self-help movement. By the time you finish this book, you’ll not only know the difference between the two, but you’ll also know why only one of them will ever make you happy.


There are people, including obviously brilliant and revered scientists, who will teach you that you should “make friends with your ego.” That’s cute. The only problem is that your ego is not interested in being your friend. Your ego wants to kill you. As A Course in Miracles—which was dictated by Jesus (who is referred to in this book as “J”) to research psychologist Helen Schucman—puts it: “The ego is, therefore, particularly likely to attack you when you react lovingly, because it has evaluated you as unloving and you are going against its judgment. The ego will attack your motives as soon as they become clearly out of accord with its perception of you. This is when it will shift abruptly from suspiciousness to viciousness, since its uncertainty is increased.”1

This is not a book about trying to make spiritual what cannot be made spiritual. It’s a book about going home to spirit. It’s about reality. That reality is love, but certainly not love in the way in which the world traditionally thinks of it. This is a love that cannot be explained, only experienced. It’s the goal that the great mystics throughout history have wisely pointed us toward, but knew it could not be described. Still, it’s possible to experience this reality even while we appear to be here as bodies. We are not bodies, but it does look and feel like we are. It’s not my purpose to deny people their experience that they are bodies. It’s simply my purpose to demonstrate that this is a false experience.
...The answer to life is to replace the false experience of being a seemingly separate being, a spatial being, with the true experience of being perfect Spirit, which is not just nonspatial, but beyond the universe of time and space altogether. It’s the experience that great spirituality is directed toward, which literally is the answer to life and its most difficult questions.

To get to this experience of reality, which is perfect oneness with God, requires noncompromise. This book doesn’t compromise on the teachings of the Course because my teachers refuse to compromise on those teachings, and so must I. As the Course bluntly puts it on page 66 of the Manual for Teachers: “The world attempts a thousand compromises, and will attempt a thousand more. Not one can be acceptable to God’s teachers, because not one could be acceptable to God.”
It is not absolutely essential to believe that the appearances of the ascended masters took place in order to derive benefits from the information in these chapters, and I personally don’t care what you think. However, I can vouch for the extreme unlikeliness of this writing being done by an uneducated layman such as myself without inspiration from these teachers. At any rate, I leave it up to you, the reader, to think whatever you choose about the book’s origins.

I’ve made every effort to do this right, but I’m not perfect, so this book isn’t perfect either. However, if there are any errors of fact in these pages, you can be certain that they are my mistakes and were not made by my visitors. Also, the reporting of these discussions, which follow an easily observable “real life” timeline, are not always linear but sometimes holographic. In just a few instances, things that were said earlier are included later in the book, and things that were said later are presented earlier. I would never make a decision about that, or anything else in regard to these books, without being guided to do so by my teachers.

References to A Course in Miracles (ACIM), including each chapter’s introductory quotation, are noted and listed in the Index in the back of the book. Limitless gratitude goes to the Voice of the Course, whose true identity is discussed herein.

I want to thank four people who helped to make this book possible: my first booking agent, Sue Borg, who did such a good job that I had an opportunity to speak in public in many diverse places and still have the time to learn something from my teachers; Jan Cook, my friend and second booking agent who was nothing less than a godsend; my former wife, Karen L. Renard, who has become one of my teachers as well as a great friend; and one other person whom you will meet in these pages, revealing the identity of Arten in this lifetime.

LHFNO, as people are already calling it, contains many quotations from the official version of A Course in Miracles, which are noted in order to assist you, the reader, in studying the Course later if you choose to do so. The opening chapter quotes are italicized, even if they are not italicized in the Course. The publisher and I would like to express our gratitude to the members of both the Foundation for Inner Peace in Mill Valley, California, the original publishers of the Course, and the Foundation for A Course in Miracles in Temecula, California, for their decades of important work that have resulted in making A Course in Miracles available to the world. Ordering information for the authentic version of the Course is printed in the back of this book.

Finally, although I am not affiliated with them, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to Gloria Wapnick and Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D., the founders of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles, upon whose work much of this book is based. I was guided very early on by Arten and Pursah to become a student of the Wapnicks’ teachings, and this book cannot help but reflect all of my learning experiences.

— Gary Renard

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