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谁也不是 轻而易举的健康 的书评 发表时间:2016-09-23 12:09:05


Toronto, Canada — Cops in Toronto say Las Vegas-based former Mr. Universe and current Mr. Creepy Crazy Smiley Bald Dude Bijan Anjomi came to their fair city and got a little rapey. Toronto investigators arrested Anjomi, age 64, on May 7. He’s been charged with 3 counts of sexual assault. At least two women claim that they visited Anjomi in a hotel room — separately — for ‘personal coaching sessions.’ (There’s a new euphemism for ya.) Upon realizing this guy who looks like a Star Trek alien missing the funny forehead had assaulted them, the women ratted him out to the fuzz.

Did I mention that Anjomi is, in addition to being a motivational speaker, a ‘clinical hypnotherapist?’ (Paging Carmine Baffa, your motivational speaking, hypnotizing, sexually predatory soul brother and fellow creepy fucker is on line 1). This may have something to do with the strangely phrased bit about the alleged victims ‘realizing’ Anjomi assaulted them.

Anjomi’s terrifying website features first his unearthly smiling mug and a then bunch of other stuff about how cosmically awesome this former health club owner, bartender, bouncer and commercial real estate agent truly is. When speaking to your civic group, company or cult, you can expect Anjomi to see and feel “the participant’s energy, beliefs and thought systems.” His superhuman perceptions and penis allow him to “know exactly how to work with the audience and to know what to say” in order to get women back to his room for some hypnotizing and raping. Okay, I added that last part.

Bijan Anjomi appears to be kind of a big deal in some Vegas social circles. A page at SocialRegister.com says that Baffa — er, Anjomi and his wife, Samia Hyjazi, will pretty much bring peace and harmony to the entire fucking Universe through their mad healing, coaching, speaking and raping skills.

Inexplicably, Anjomi did indeed win a division of the Mr. Universe competition 3 times. This explains his rockin’ man-maries, seen in the image at the top of the page.

If you’ve been raped by Bijan Anjomi, or you know anyone else he may have roped into one of Mr. Universe’s ‘personal coaching sessions,’ call the Toronto CrimeStoppers at 416-222-8477.

Read more: http://www.dreamindemon.com/2008/05/07/bijan-anjomis-gonna-rape-ya/#ixzz4L3AA0v6Z
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