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少年你要闹哪样 現實世界的誘惑術(繁體版) 的书评 发表时间:2013-08-06 12:08:33


        * Chapter 1 : the goal of seduction is not to get girls laid, but to make them treasure you as prize;
        * Chapter 2 : the attribute of men who are prize;

                        1. Taking a Stronge lead.[Test of women to ywhether a man is sure of himself]
                        2. Having Standards.[1.manifest that women want to sleep with them, 2.show that if women fall off their standards,ruls,expectations,they wouldn't,men are arrogant,demanding,snobby]
                        3. Making her come to your worlds.[the quick and better way to show high value]
                        4. Making her accommodate you.[whether she likes,whether she loves etc.][Don't feel insecure ,they can sense that][let girls court,pursue,chase you]
                        5. Being challenging.[take a stronge lead,having standards,taking her into your worlds,keeping her toes,letting her accommodate you,]
                        6. Have a sense of humor.[Seriousness is the death of good prize]
                        7. Being vulnerablility and weekness.[Don't be perfect]
                        8. Display costly signals.[show off]
                        9. Be comfortable with yourself.[Have five hot girl as your friend just to learn from them][Be comfortable with them]
                        10. Being a Dandy.[feminine sense of humor and style][got the view about nice details which only women can find]
                        11. Being a rake.[offer andventrue and danger signals][push and pulling skills][offers paradox to be unpredictable]
                        12. Being a conquette.[make them feel sadness,happiness,excitement,unpredictable,etc][it is about push and pulling]

                        * Homework:

                        1. Internalize these Attributes one by one, and keep a journal about how people react;
                        2. Put your insecurity aside,think about why girls treat you as the prize.
                        3. Observe how good men who are The Prize act on women.

        * Chapter 3 : Attribute girls loath:

                        1. Men who seek women's validation;[Instead, women love men who get more validation through other ways other than her]
                        2. Men who had a week sense of reality;[Instead, women love men who have standards, who has his own take on this world,who knows what is important for him,and has the guts to let other people know these above]

                        * Homework:

                        1. Figure out what these unprize attribute you have, and replace them with the positive one one by a week;
                        2. observe people around you,especially those men who are walked over by women,figure out their bad attribute;

        * Chapter 4 : Beliefs:
                        1. I have the belief that i am better look than i actually am, I may not be as handsome and rich as some other people , but I know I can walk into one room and walk out with another man's girl friend;
                        2. The one above is a powerfull belief that precedence Prize women, the belief is conducive for prize women;
                        3. Stronge belief is the the ground of strong frames;
                        4. what you belive becomes your reality;[Example: When being asked about the red things in the room,the close your eyes,recall the red things,you can still remamber some, but as this time ,ask you to recall things that are in yellow.you can hardly remember any]
                        5. Nine Usefull beliefs for Prizing:

                                        1. A psychotic and unwavering belief: I am the prize ;
                                        2. Women in the world is a beautifull crature that want both sex and please;
                                        3. The belief that one knows a women's body better than she does;
                                        4. Treat women's react as the something benificial to learn, even if the negletive ones, which can make you prizibilitu skyrocket;
                                        5. Whenever women tell you that they don't like your dress、act、or something else, it's their issue;
                                        6. Whatever reaction she takes .she wants to sleep with you, what you need is to structure the right context to her;
                                        7. You don't need her validation, yet she needs it;
                                        8. Every women at some level wants to sleep with you , the point is , do they live up to the standard that you want them to;
                                        9. You get to decide whether you both sleep together[whether it means you have to decide whether she is the one you want to sleep with;

                                        * Homework

                                        1. Rehearse these above twice a day out loud; When you wake up in the morning and ready for bed; treat them as the affirmations;

        * Chapter 5: Frame and Meta- Frame:
                                        1. One shouldn't be the pushover,that reword girls rude behavior;
                                        2. Don't be the one that need her more than she did to you ;
                                        3. Don't be the one that need girl to stay and talk with;
                                        4. Frames,Meta-Frames,Underlying meaning of actions are not real,they just become real when you accept them as your subjective reality;

                                        * Homework:

                                        1. Go to a busy coffee room and observe who is the one that define the overall undelying meaning;

        * Chapter 6: Meta-Frame
                        1. Set, maintain,controll the meta-Frame

                                        1. Define the Meta-Frame[You are the prize, you both will sleep together only if she fit your standards]
                                        2. Assume the Meta-Frame before you even talk to her:[you both will finally sleep together on condition that she live up to the standards of your validation and expections]
                                        3. The art of not choosing her;

                                                        1. Human courtship define the exemplify and make women easy believe that men should persue women;
                                                        2. Women's nature fear about men:what they need is just sex, I don't deserve their endeavor and they would finally leave,I don't like costless,needy,desperate men;
                                                        3. Not choose women ,or tentativly choose and accept them;It would preempt her from not chooseing you;
                                                        4. Setting frames that implicated the meta-frame; examples below:

                                                                1. Framing some of her actions that indicate that she is not good enough for me ,or she can't handle me;[I may not go for her because she falls short of my standards]
                                                                2. Framing that she is interested in me and somehow persue me ,she wants to win me over,or sleep with me;
                                                                3. Framing that her actons ande behavior is little crazy[show her that her made you into her frame is not objective reality][inoculate that you are not willling to accept her frame][implicated that she lack class to set my statue of Prize]
                                                                4. Accusing her of not living the life she wants,or she is envious of you;
                                                                5. Letting a girl knows that she is creepy;
                                                                6. Implicate that she is sleaze ball[I am not sure that she will live up to my standards and expectations]
                                                                7. Framing that her behavior is rude and insensitive
                                                                8. The key point is that Framing those above while keep them laugh;

                                                                * Homework:

                                                                1. When interact with girls, write down the reactions of them and implicated one of our meta-Frame to them;
                                                                2. At least once a week ,record the interaction with a girl and find where you loose controll of the meta-frame;

PART 2 Prizability

                                        1. Prizability including two sides: the ability to let women treat you as prize, and the extant thay themselves believe you are the prize;
                                        2. Displaying VS Parading:

                                                                1. women need men to parade, or brag their asset constantly ,to feel secure;
                                                                2. Once parading all one's positive asset somehow makes women feel that they are trying to compensate for some shortcomings;
                                                                3. Over parading implicated that you are tring to win over the women ;
                                                                4. Displaying without Parading is a challenge task,and this is what this part is about;

        * Chapter 7 : A few words on style:
                        1. Make women think you are in good looking;[It doesn't simply means that one should be in nice look ,but to find the look that works for you]

                                        * Homework: Go to the website:www.rateyourself.com,put on different pictures over period,then get understand of what kind style of yours rate the highest score;

        * Chapter 8 : How to meet women:[Which means the cold approach,meet a women you have never meet before]
                        1. Two parts of cold approaches of Cold approaches

                                        1. Initiating:[Do not open a conversation but get a women's attention]

                                                        1. First meet should avoid asking women questions,just talk and make them ask the questions;
                                                        2. Secondly ask the girl about their names means that you are interested in them, make them the prize;
                                                        3. Don't call women beauty,which will make them feel they are the prize;
                                                        4. Examples of initiator:

                                                                * [You hurt me]:When I am at a bar I have been known to stick out my elbow really far. This makes it likely that a girl will mistakenly graze my elbow.When this happens I say in a whiny voice: “Ow, you hurt me”. Usually they willstart laughing. Oncein a while you will get a slow one who will profusely apologize. In thiscase, I say: “Ihope you have a good lawyer because Iam suing you”.They usually willbust up laughing and say “stop” while lightly hitting you or pushing you. In thiscase you should follow up with: “You are quite touchy, I think I am also going to have to sue you for sexual harassment”. At this point they will be laughing really hard.
                                                                * [Did he call yet] : Which i think won't works well in China;

                                        2. Conversation opener:

                                                                * Ask women about the opinion on sth:[The cheating roommate talk][The pug/beagle opinion]
                                                                * When talk with those people, whach out for your behavior ;

        * Chapter 9 : Cold reading:
                        1. Women love men know them better than themselves mentally and physically,it make them wet in their panties;
                        2. Women likes to be think as special,But on the other hand ,they really share a couple of similarity;
                        3. Some tricks about truisms and generalizations:

                                        * Be vague: Most people find vague things more profound,[But things in details are easy to understand],they will automaticly fullfill the datails themselves, albeit they think that you do;
                                        * Be vague about her parts ,and sides;[behavior,looks,appears,feels,thinks]The formula is: You seems to be A, But actually you are B, because C;
                                        * Use the body language reading;
                                        * Have some canned meterial , but when pick on the specific women, observe them carefully;
                                        * Cold reading is just a gimmick or a crutch, Use it sparingly,don't get obsessed with it;
                                        * When women think you know them well, it's time to build rapport and prizability;
                                                        * Homework:Get a piece of paper about women have in common,Then rehearse them several time a day, when you are with a women ,obsevations are carefully made,then you will finally find there are some truism and generalities that the women have;

        * Chapter 10 : Story telling:[It is the kind of story which is light, entertain,and full of girl humor] [Important tool to increase your prizability]
                        1. The beginning of the story told shouldn't be profoundly revelated,but shallow,light,Childish,moreover,you can tell more philosophical stories;
                        2. The rythem and flow:
                        3. Transition: you remind me of sth [human's narcissistic and self-centried make them curious with what you think of them]
                        4. Display instead of parading prizability
                        5. 3 important ways of storytelling: remainds, philosophical story, display without bragging;

                                                        * Homework: write down your own storys, use the similar structure and tecniques;recording your speach and listen to it,then you can realise what needs to be improved;

        * Chapter 11: Rapport
                        1. Rapprot is a subset of Prizability;
                        2. Do not trying to get rapport with women ,do sth that force them to get raport with you
                        3. LIkes, Dislikes,personal traits,the same experience;
                        4. Through cold reading to establish the commonality with her; [When a women have a stronge sense about what she likes, ]
                        5. Tell people what you like in life,relationship,and other people in general,your standards, your expectations,your rules you have with people in life;
                        6. you know her best than herself

        * Chapter 12 : Open loops & take aways
                        1. hypnotic technique of fractionation: Get sb interested in sth, then take it away from her ,then get her more interested by giving it back;
                        2. Unfinished loop, let someone get addicted in sth ,then give an open loop to keep her interest exponentially rising;
                        3. “commitment and consistency,when sb ask you a question ,they are about to get interested in you;
                        4. something about them loop,
                        5. Do you have a nice travel ? ,No, where do you travel ? Europe
                        6. I bet you are a daddy girl, tell sth about her vague
                        7. i am busy now, why don't you tell me next time when we get together, these words build a strong desire for a women to tell;
                        8. Did'nt your mum teach you the maner
                        9. Tell a girl there are three things that you look (or don’t look) for in another girl. Only tell her two. When she asks for the third tell her she isimpatient and that she needs patients.
                        10. Silent loop, when sb is telling you sth ,don't put in any words, to let themself chasing you to understand them;
                        11. you are such a girl, then with a smirk ,and turn away;

        * Chapter 13: push and pulling;( the art of sending mix signs)

                        1. Every push gives you a space to pull back;the Pull was emotionally intense because there was a Push that preceded it.
                        2. So, to reiterate: it is not a full pull, just a partial pull. [show the passibility of being together, tentativly accepte her, or validate part of her]
                        3. make men feel that we should be together and then accuse them of being to forward;
                        4. hint on men for more than friends relationship and when men ask for return ,they deny anything that exists;
                        5. have sex with men then accuse them of forcing her to ,and ask for sth in return;
                        6. Guilty conscience

                                        1. ‘I hope you don’tthink thereis anything between us. I wouldn’twant it to hurt ourfriendship.’ or ‘slow down thereturbo, we just met and you are already trying to askme out, that’s a little creepy’.
                                        2. grab her really close to you like you are about to kiss her and then say, “I hope you weren’ttrying to kiss me. You are like my little sister, and I am hoping that you are not trying to get all incest on me”…Then after she thinks you are serious, grab her close to you and kiss her.
                                        3. Making them feel guilty about saying “what”
                                        4. I lovedoing is talking about a really messed up situation in a really funny way. When a woman starts laughing, get really seriousand start giving her a hard time about laughing at another person’s misfortune—maybe saying something such as: “you shouldn’t be laughing; that could bring you bad Karma and could happen to you.” Then when they think you are serious, say, “It might be fucked up but I agree, it isfucking funny”.
                                        5. Let me give you an example of this. One thing Ilove to tease girls about is how they need to meet a nice man…on the Internet. Most ofthe time they will bust up laughing. Iwill retort with, in a serious tone, “Youshouldn’t be laughing, it is very sad that you have to find a date on the Internet”. Then, just at the point that they think Iam serious—timing is everything—I bust up laughing and say, “even though it is fucked up it is pretty funny that you have to find a date on the Internet.”

                        7. Emotional roller coaster: to get women have deep feelings about sth, then show the opposite feelings about the things [push away], then pull back the feelings;
                        8. Reveal, and ConsealIn Kierkegaard’s book, The Seducer’s Diary;

                                        1. reveal that you have a good understanding/ prizability fo sth, occationally ,then ,when she gives you a chance to parade it ,do sth mandune to conseal it;
                                        2. Guys, this is also a great example of howto DISPLAY PRIZABILITY without PARADING PRIZABILITY.

                        9. Good cop/ bad cop: tell a girl that she is bad, then get some infos that she is still ok at some sides ;a woman asks you whatyou do for a living,just look at her kind of confused and say, “No I am not the guy who used to work with you at McDonalds.
                        10. The undermining compliment: Let me give you guys an example of this that is hilarious. Today, this girl that Iam seeing called me. I toldher that I could not talk becauseI had to go somewhere. She asked me,
“where?” and I shot back with,“why do you wantto know?” She said, “Because I care”. So I told her where Iwas going. But then I said to her that becauseI told her where I was going she has to tell me where she is going. Right when she began to tell me I interrupted her and said, “Idon’t really care, Ijust wanted to see if you would tell me. Then Isaid, “No,I am just kidding, I really do want to know” Then as she was about to tell me again, I said, “You know what…I have heard enough”. The entire time I had her in suspense about whatI was going to donext and she was chasing me by trying to tell me something. This is an example of Pushing &Pulling at its best.
                        11. Undermining rapport:This is when you point out a commonality between you and awoman. Yougive her the impression that you and her are so similar that the two of you are going to be friends. Then you completely underminethis by suggesting that the thing you have in common is the exact reason why you and her would never get along.

        * Chapter 14: Qualifying & Challenging
                        1. having ruls ,expectations,standards let you distinguish from others;
                        2. Qualifying & Challenging isone of the most powerful methods for getting women to buy into your meta-fram;
                        3. In other words, when she meets my qualifications I pull her in. And then I pushher away with higher qualifications. Notice that at most I am only tentatively accepting her,yet I never am slamming the door in her face completely.This is similar to Pushing & Pulling where you never want to fully Push her away from you, yet never want to fully Pull her
into you.
                        4. Number qualified: the range all your girl with numbers;

        * Chapter 15 : The body language to Pushing & Pulling, Qualifying & Challenging,and setting frames
                        1. Remember to always stand tall, stick your chest out, in a relaxed way (the key is in a relaxed way),hold on to the eye contact with people a little longer than others;
                        2. have their arms folded, and either their back or their head isturned away fromthe person they are talking to.
                        3. One offavorite ways to display this is to be non verbally Pushing by having my shoulders and head slightly turned away from her, having a suspicious look inmy eyes suggesting that I am not so sureabout her; all the while Pulling her into me byhaving a big friendly smile on my face.
                        4. The homework lead to a very strong point to how to apply the tactics of body language;

        * Chapter 16: Role-playing as a powerful tool for prizing:
                        1. One thing to keep in mind is that the unconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is make believe.
                        2. Two reasons why role-playing is so effective on women are that it getsrid of them feeling vulnerable,and even though it is make believe, it is as powerful as if it were real.

        * Chapter 17: Types of chick tests
                        1. three attributesthat she often intentionally tests for are: being the PRIZE, in control of the meta-frame, and able to take a strong lead:note: controlling the meta-frame and taking a strong lead are close cousins
                        2. Women have been known to do stuff, such as: get men to buy them drinks, try to make men jealous by flirting with other guys, ask men to hold something of theirs while they go to the bathroom, make men cancel their current plans to come see them,and purposely throwing temper tantrums to see if they can get their way. Sometimes really young or shallow women will go so far to tell a man that he is too baldor too fat or too young or too old or too poor for her. The sadthing is that most guysdo not even realize that they are being tested
                        3. they either turn into ass kissing wimps, or get defensive and act insecure, or start having doubts about being the PRIZE. All of these are detrimental ways of handling intentional chick tests.
                        4. Remember, controlling the meta-frame isabout you being the one to define the underlying meaning of the interaction, not her. This is whattaking a strong lead isall about.
                        5. a subtle, ingenious example of Unintentional test is , when a woman interrupts you.or such as, throw a temper tantrum, or try to make you jealous.
                        6. Bullshit insecurities Another important case of this is falling victim to some women’s bullshit insecurities. These range from preposterous things such as women getting angry that you don’t call them every five minutes to them accusing you of flirting with every girl you come into contact with to them getting upset that you do not tell them that you love them every five seconds to them needing to know where you are at all times. One ofthe mostcommon forms of bullshit insecurities are when women use conditionals: such as, ‘Ifyou really cared, then you would do/say this’ or ‘If you really cared, then you wouldn’t do/say that’. Another form of bullshit insecurities is when a womanis incessantly fishing for validation. Have you ever had a womankeep askingif you thought shewas fat or if she was as pretty as some other woman? Well, I know I have.I also now know that these were irrational bouts of a womanfeeling insecure.
                        7. Prolonging the initial ‘hook up’ can actually make the women judge you as being strong,sexy, and the sort of man she dreams about surrendering to.
                        8. This is why when guys succumb to situations such as—girl trying to make himjealous, girl making him buy her lots of expensive things, girl trying to get him to chase her, and etc.—they often timesloose the girl.
                        9. Three kind of judgements: Intentional test whether you are the prize; Intentional or unintentional judge whether you can take a strong lead ,or keep the meta-frame;third is daily judgements;

        * Chapter 18: Chick frames:
                        1. think often times women set these boundaries not to be malicious (and sometimes not because they don’tlike the guy), but as an attemptto avoid putting themselves in dangerous situations. they are usually thinking of putting themselves ina situation where they might end up doing something they might regret in the future.
                        2. They are afraid of being judge as slut or promiscuous

        * Chapter 19: Reframing chicktests &chick frames:
                        1. some amazing linguistic artistry called “reframing” to not only inoculate these tests and frames, but to also use these tests and frames as a way of getting womenchasing you
                        2. What I am saying is that you never want to address a chick test or chickframe within the same frame.
                        3. it is only her subjective opinion. The moment that you address it directly, you are buying into it being objective reality. So, the first step is learning not address these chicktests and chick frames directly.
                        4. Fourthly, you need to set frames that imply our meta-frame. When we reframe, we are using these frames to replace the frame that the CHICK TEST or CHICK FRAME is attempting to set. These frames get us back on track and moving inthe direction we need to go.
                        5. Accusing her of not really living the life that she wants to live (or accusingher ofbeing envious of me). Both of these are great ways of implicating that Iam the one who is the PRIZE.
                        6. Framing one or more of her actions, behaviors, or thingsabout her as meaning that she is not goodenough for me or cannot handle me;
                        7. Framing one or more of her actions as her being interested or trying to pursue me
                        8. Framing one or more of her behaviors or actions as her being a little crazy
                        9. Framing some of her behaviors, actions or thingsabout her as meaning that sheis a little creepy
                        10. Framing some of her behaviors, actions, or things about her as meaning that she is a sleaze ball
                        11. Framing her behaviors and actions as beingrude or insensitive
                        12. let’s look at the structure of a chicktest. Most chick tests have a structure like this: some thing, action, or behavior X means Y.
                                        1. Redefine:The first is to redefine the behavior by assigning it a different meaning;
                                        2. Redefine: Another type of redefine is to point out how their accusation more appropriatelyfits with a different behavior than the one you displayed.
                                        3. Apply back to chick:
                                        4. Then I will look down at the ground, sure enough, they will also look at the ground. Then Iwill say: “my eyes are uphere (pointing to eyes) not down there (pointing to my crotch), please stop staringat my package you pervert”.
                                        5. If she says, “Are you trying to pick up on me” you could respond by saying, “is that your way of showing that yourinterested in somebody or just your standard M.O. for picking up sexy men
                                        6. Also, Inot only reframed her, I outframed her: meaning that I created a larger frame around the frame of her chick test.

        * Chapter 20: Outframing chick tests and chick frames
                        1. Undesirable attributes framing: One isthat you are outframing her chick test or frame by making it about her having an attribute you don’t like. Youare qualifying her, not the other way around.
                        2. Bad Intentions framing : we are outframing their chick test or chick frame by defining the underlying meaning of the chick test or chick frame as being about their bad intentions.
                        3. Use their test back on them in a even more absurd humorous way:
                        4. turn around their chick test or frame by accusingthem of subscribing to values or having attributes that are undesirable, and then challenging them to refute your accusation.
                        5. Consequence framing This is the art of outframing their chick test or chick frame invirtue of assigning a consequence to it. [obvious bad consequence]

        * Chapter 21: How to turn an innocent conversation into a one-night stand : sums up of all the techques above;

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