proses by Haruki Murakami_What I Talk About When I Talk About Running书评-查字典图书网
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石头 What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 的书评 发表时间:2013-08-20 20:08:50

proses by Haruki Murakami

the author is a popular fiction writer,which had amounts of reader around the world(at least in china) .
   before this book, i'd only read "norwegian wood" within my mid-school period many years that time, due to reading the chinese version, i can not tell a thing( now the same), because i'm not sure what the real thing the author wanted to express it to us.i had no ideal about literature .looking back of then,the book is mere something which accompanied me through the sensible youth.

  as Murakami said, he was a typical kind of man not care about the result but attend the process.i figured i might is the opposite kind of one.i pinpointed the reality i was. sensitive,pretending,and idealism.yes, it is me,and it's not a big deal.the piont is how you facing yourself without pretending,even front of strangers.Murakami did.

  the little book is consisted of sevral proses coming from author's living.the major theme is about running ,of which,he really loves it .at any rate,you can learn more from him,expecially you enjoy running,i'm would find that they're definitly honest words to read.

  ultimately,i'd a bit exaggerated,wishing you have a good time.

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