What is capitalism anyway?_资本主义-牛津通识读本书评-查字典图书网
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蓝色不忧郁 资本主义-牛津通识读本 的书评 发表时间:2009-10-29 00:10:18

What is capitalism anyway?

My title may seem misleading because the author didn't address this very issue. In my humble opinion, this seldom matters, because a tireless pursuit of a precise definition of everything seems to be lost causes. Hence a Witgensteinian approach might serve a better purpose. That is, list the shared charasteristics deduced from all so-called capitalists countries(I know it when I see it!).

Basically, what interests me most about this book is its interpretation of why Britain, or more precisely, Why Europe is first transformed into capitalism systems? And the author proposes several dull textbook explanations which sounds boring except the "Black Death". Black Death almost took one third of then-Europe's population but interestingly, the population shortage led to a human-capital-oriented, that said, its social mobility is ramped up!

All in all, whether you are a Eco101 student or a layman, this book deserves a better read!

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ANT1FLAG 2016-06-06 14:16:19
