当前位置: 查字典 > 图书网 > 管理 > 商业模式新生代 > 商业模式就是讲述通过一个独特的价值链来创造价值的好故事
hansonglin 商业模式新生代 的书评 发表时间:2015-03-17 15:03:32


商业模式就是讲述通过一个独特的价值链来创造价值的好故事。 商业模式(BM)是战略管理的一个组成部分,BM画布搭建了9个要素框架来从另一个角度来描述描述价值链。商业模式不是战略,它解决了如何创造价值(如何挣钱)的问题;但是缺少战略管理中的竞争优势这一环,没有解决如何在竞争中获得竞争优势的问题,一个好的商业模式可能很快被竞争对手复制,而使企业失去竞争优势。而一个好的差异化战略加上有效的执行能够确保在同一个商业模式下获得比竞争对手更好的业绩(价值创造)。

Echo from Joan Magretta, source from book " What Management Is"
Creating a new business model is not unlike writing a new story. At some level, all new stories are variations on old ones, reworkings of the universal themes that underlie human experience. Similarly, new business models are all variations on the universal value chain that underlies all businesses. Broadly speaking, this chain has two parts. Part one includes all the activities associated with making something: design, the purchase of raw materials, the manufacturing or service-delivery process. Part two includes all the activities associated with selling something: finding and reaching customers, transacting a sale, distributing the product or delivering the service. As in a good novel, the particulars of every business model will be unique but, in one way or another, every business model is a story about the basic human activities of making and selling. The plot may turn on designing a new product for an unmet need, as it did with the traveler’s check. Or it can turn on a process innovation, a better way of making or selling or distributing an already-proven product or service. The twist in a new business model is almost always a variation on some aspect of an existing value chain. In the course of this chapter, we’ll look at several business-model stories. Each began with an entrepreneur who thought he saw a new and better way to do something than the way it was then being done. Each offers a unique take on the age-old problems of making and selling—and each tells us something about what makes a good business model.

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