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感想 + Reading Notes

   《组织行为学》简直就像是心理学教材 ; 组织行为学的通俗简化定义:研究组织和环境中人的行为。 从这个层面上来看,也许大概可以这么说: 人的一切外在行为都是其内在心理活动的反映。 这个理论适用于以下情况:
  1. 心里想做A,实际做了A
  2. 心里想做A,而实际做了B
  3. 心里想做A和B,而实际做了C
  4. 心里想做A、B、C、D,而实际只做了A
  5. 心里想做A,而实际居然做了A、B、C、D、E、F、G。。。。X、Y、Z
  6. 心里想做A、B、C、D、E、F。。。。X、Y、Z,而实际TMD做了α、 β、 γ 、δ、 ε、 ζ



    人固然是非理性动物,但人做的任何一件事里面都是存在着理性的因果关系的,亦或是说,行为的背后必有原因。For instance, i want to do A at first, but after considering some f****g reasons, and it turns out that i do B eventually. Thus the reason that i did B is those f****g reasons, not the fact that i want to do A ( The situation could be extended or more complicated when includes more people, more desires and more reasons ). But, unfortunately, inside most of people’s brain circuits, it is hard to understand or recognize this kind of causality. So, as for my advice, i will quote a character’s word from the famous game Warcraft III :” Watch, and learn.”

Chapter 1 (What Is Organizational Behavior )

P10 Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact
     that individuals, groups and structure have on behavior within
     organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward
     improving an organization’s effectiveness.

     Three determinants of behavior in organizations: individuals, groups
     and structure.

     OB is the study of what people do in an organization and how their
     behavior affects the organization’s performance.

P11 Relying on intuition is made worse because we tend to overestimate
     the accuracy of what we think we know.

P20 Today’s successful organizations most foster innovation and master
     the art of change, or they’ll become candidates for extinction.

P28 Productivity requires both effectiveness and efficiency.

Chapter 2 ( Diversity in Organization )

P42 Demographics mostly reflect surface-level diversity, not
        thoughts and feelings. Whereas, characteristics like
        personality and values represent deep-level diversity.

Chapter 3 ( Attitudes and Job Satisfaction )

P70 Components of attitudes :
     cognitive component → affect component → behavior component

Chapter 4 ( Emotions and Moods )

P100 Emotions include : anger, contempt, enthusiasm, envy, fear,
      frustration, disappointment, embarrassment, disgust, happiness, hate,
      hope, jealously, joy, love, pride, surprise, sadness.

P120 Schadenfreude : Taking delight in the misery of others. (传说中的

Chapter 5 ( Personality and Values )

P134 Ironically, the most important contribution our parents may make to
      our personality is giving us their genes! (基因决定性格论,个人认

P142 Most important factors to entrepreneurs : Openness to experience
      and conscientiousness.

      The best entrepreneurs appear not be the swashbuckling risk-takers,
      but rather the methodical ones who have the discipline to turn their
      opening thinking and creative ideas into reality.


大致的过程链就是: 脑力 → 执行 → 碰到挫折反思再执行 → 成果 → 反馈 → 脑力, 就如同一个PDCA循环一般。

另外插一句,是关于机遇和情商的。网络上有一句话:“以大多数人的努力程度之低,根本轮不到拼天赋。”所以套用这句话的话,就是“以大多数人的执行能力之低,根本就轮不到拼机遇和情商。” 在MBTI测试中,可能TJ程度高的人拥有更高的执行力,不过当然了,执行力并非完全是一个先天决定的品质,其同样受环境的影响。

Chapter 6 ( Perception and Individual Decision Making )

P166 People’s behavior is based on their perception of what reality is, not
      on reality itself. ( 不要紧,只要坚持信仰马克思主义和唯物主义,

P167 Perception is influenced by such factors as perceiver, target and

P169 When we made judgements about the behavior of other people, we
      tend to underestimate the influence of external factors and
      overestimate the influence of internal or personal factors.

P178 Individuals whose intellectual and interpersonal abilities are weakest
      are most likely to overestimate their performance and ability. ( 确实
      是真理,越笨的人越容易高估自己的能力 )


Chapter 7 ( Motivation Concepts )

P210 For individuals, it means choose your job for reasons other than
      extrinsic rewards. For organizations, it means managers should
      provide intrinsic as well as extrinsic incentives.

Chapter 8 ( Motivation )

P238 Even higher earners can appreciate a small award if it is unexpected.
      Even billionaires appreciate a Christmas sweater from their Mom.

P250 To assess why an employee is not performing to his or her best level,
      see whether the work environment is supportive.

P253 In fact, one-eighth of all Chinese exports to the United States go to
      Walmart. ( 呵呵,难怪美国人都说中国的东西廉价到抢了他们的

Chapter 9 ( Foundations of Group Behavior )

P275 Five-stage Model of groups : forming → storming → norming →
      performing → adjourning
P295 Group Decision-Making Techniques:
      1. Brainstorming
      2. Nominal group technique
      3. Electronic meeting

Chapter 10 ( Understanding Work Teams )

P310 Four types of teams : problem-solving teams, self-managed work
      teams, cross-functional teams, and virtual teams.

Chapter 11 ( 这章讲的是Communication,个人认为是比较重要的一章)

P338 Communication process : the sender ( the message) → encoding →
      the channel → the receiver ( the message) → decoding

P339 Evidence clearly indicates, though, that explanations increase
      commitment and support of decisions.

      Moreover, although managers might think that sending a message
      one time is enough to get through to lower-level employees, most
      research suggests managerial communications must be repeated
      several times and through a variety of different media to be truly
      effective. ( 这里所讲的,就是职场中常见的所谓 “ 我明明和
      呢? ” 下属通常把这类事件归因于一次要做或者被要求做的事
      情过多,忙不过来; 而领导则通常归因于下属的不长脑子。当

      Upward communication flows to a higher level in the group or
      organization. It’s used to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform
      them of progress towards goals, and relay current problems. Upward
      communication keeps managers aware of how employees feel about
      their jobs, co-workers, and the organization in general. Managers
      also rely on upward communication for ideas on how conditions can
      be improved. ( 论反馈的重要性 )

P344 Rumors emerge as a response to situations that are important to us,
      when there is ambiguity, and under conditions that arouse anxiety.
      ( 在什么情况下组织中的谣言最泛滥?无非是这件事对当事人重
      有明确的答案 )

P345 Experts define gossip as “ the exchange of information between two
      people about a third, absent person.” It’s tempting to gossip others
      at work. ( 哈哈哈哈,是人都知道说别人坏话时的感受简直和嗑
      药high一般 )

P352 The most important implication of all this research is to match your
      persuasive message to the type of processing your audience is likely
      to use. When audience is not especially interested in a persuasive
      message type, when they’re low in need for cognition, they’ll be
      more likely to use automatic processing. In these cases, use messages
      that are emotion-laden and associate positive images with your
      perferred outcome. On the other hand, when the audience is
      interested in a topic, when they are high in need for cognition, or
      when the information is transmitted through rivh channel, then it is a
      better idea to focus on rational arguments and evidence to make your

P356 A sad truth of organizational behavior is that people are better liars
      than we think, and we are worse at unveiling then than we realize.
      ( 就像我一直说的,如果没有证据证明一个人在说谎,那就相信
      是多疑的,多疑之上再加怀疑,为了能健康成长,还是省省吧 )

      Japanese word hai translates as “yes”, but its connotation is “Yes,
      I’m listening” rather than “Yes, I agree.” ( 瞎扯,日文的升调“はい”
      才表示“Yes, I’m listening” , 降调“はい”照样表示 “Yes, I
      agree.” )

Chapter 12 ( Leadership )

P367 “I am more afraid of an army of 100 sheep led by a lion than an
       Army of 100 lions led by a sheep ”( 论领导者的重要性 )

P370 A core component of emotional intelligence ( EI ) is empathy.
      Empathetic leaders can sense others’ needs, listen to what followers
      say ( and don’t say), and read the reactions of others. ( 谁下次再和

P372 According to the GLOBE study, Chinese culture emphasizes being
      polite, considerate, and unselfish, but it also has a high performance
      orienation. Thus, consideration and initiating structure may both be
      important. ( 看到这里哥直接震惊了!!作者认为在中国文化中当

P389 Three elements of leader’s trustworthy : integrity, benevolence and

Chapter 13 ( Power and Politics )

P412 “ Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” ( 这句名
      言,虽然这样翻译不大准确,但更显霸气 :“权力导致腐败,

P413 A person can have power over you only if he or she controls
      something you desire (当你有求于别人之时,就是其权力凌驾于你

P425 Maybe the most important factor leading to politics within
      organizations is the realization that most of the “ facts “ used to
      allocate the limited resources are open to interpretation ........ More
      managerial decisions resemble the choice between a.280 and a.290
      hitter than between a.125 hitter and a.400 hitter. It is in this large and
      ambiguous middle ground of organizational life —— where the
      facts don’t speak for themselves —— that politics flourish. ( 与其
      是怀有各种不同目的的人,所以才导致了组织中的politics。 可

Chapter 15 ( Foundations of Organization Structure )

P480 Six key elements of designing organizational structure : work
      specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of
      control, centralization, decentralization and formalization.

P501 We find fairly strong evidence linking centralization and job
      satisfaction. In general, less centralized organizations have a greater
      amount of autonomy. And autonomy appears positively related to job
      satisfaction. ( 在一个组织中,人究竟希不希望被管理呢? 就常
      者提出研究表明权力集中制与工作满意度是呈正相关的呢? 那
      个中原理无非就是我文章开头所述的想A做B。 在组织中,人
      理想的对象,那就只有自己的上级了。 可以想见,一个能力一
      那就很难在组织中生存下去了。 归根结底,中文中“管”这个


Chapter 16 ( Organizational Culture )

P512 Seven primary characteristics of an organization’s culture :

      1. Innovation and risk taking
      2. Attention to detail
      3. Outcome orientation
      4. People orientation
      5. Team orientation
      6. Aggressiveness
      7. Stability

P527 The power of smaller ( and cheaper ) rewards such as praise.
      Employees generally don’t ask for praise, and managers usually
      don’t realize the costs of failing to give it. ( 这年头employee都像

Chapter 17 ( Human Resource Policies and Practices )

P555 Three major types of behavior that constitute performance at work :

      1. Task performance
      2. Citizenship
      3. Counterproductivity

Chapter 18 ( Organizational Change and Stress Management )

P577 “ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most
      intelligent, but the most responsive to change. ” —— Charles
      ( 查尔斯·达尔文的名言 :“ 最后能够生存下来的,既不是最
      种。” 作者在这里引用了达尔文的这句话,用以强调适应变
      化的重要性。 不过要注意,达尔文的自然选择理论主要是阐述
      代代相传才能显示出成效。 而作者在这里想阐述的明显是一种

P580 Our egos are fragile, and we often see change as threatening.
      ( 很多时候我都觉得,人的ego是组织中的矛盾,不和,对立,
       冲突, 固步自封,瓦解,甚至于走向毁灭的万恶之源。 在适当

  The End of era

  Jim Hetfield

  May 3rd, 2015

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对“感想 + Reading Notes”的回应

度阡 2017-02-17 09:43:38


执笔问道 2015-08-14 15:27:04
