Lazard: a school of geniusse with human personalit_最后的大佬(上)书评-查字典图书网
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文阁藜照 最后的大佬(上) 的书评 发表时间:2008-08-28 16:08:28

Lazard: a school of geniusse with human personalit

I enjoy reading inspiring stories about geniuses because they make me think/fancy and afterward learn things, just like "Smartest Guys in the Room", and here, "the Last Tycoons".

From its founding in last century, Lazard, as a leader of M&A in the financial market, has always been attracting the most intellectual people in US and Europe. The one taught himself M&A, brought mega-deals to the firm, and made himself a hero by saving NYC government from its bankruptcy. The media-savvy young man generated huge deals in the media industry, and successfully expanded his visibility and reputation in the firm and wall street in a way only possible for a NYT veteran. Yet they were so human: bad-tempered, never stopping pursuing money, power and women.

The book is about the history of a prestigious firm, as well as a bunch of geniuses so driven by their instinct desires.

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对“Lazard: a school of geniusse with human personalit”的回应

清凉一夏 2009-04-20 16:52:38

Rattner, a smart man! From New York Times to Wall Street, to the White House.

文阁藜照 2009-04-07 12:51:25

The media-savvy man, Steven Rattner, was named car czar in the Obama administration to save the U.S. auto industry.

清凉一夏 2009-03-30 20:53:06

Inspiring tycoons like this are so cool and when you are reading it, you realize you still could hold your own life in your own hands.

茶余饭后 2009-01-09 15:47:47

I also like reading this sort of books for exploring the truth in the dark.