about focus_他山之石书评-查字典图书网
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Calvin 他山之石 的书评 发表时间:2012-01-21 23:01:39

about focus

Ev Williams (founder of Odeo , Blogger,Twitter) says about focus:

Focus on the smallest possible problem you could solve that would potentially be useful. Most companies start out trying to do too many things, which makes life difficult and turns you into a me-too.

Focusing on a small niche has so many advantages: With much less work, you can be the best at what you do. Small things, like a microscopic world, almost always turn out to be bigger than you think when you zoom in. You can much more easily position and market yourself when more focused. And when it comes to partnering, or being acquired, there’s less chance for conflict. This is all so logical and, yet, there’s a resistance to focusing. I think it comes from a fear of; being trivial. Just remember: If you get to be #1 in your category, but your category is too small, then you can broaden your scope and you can do so with leverage.

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