做自己喜欢并且擅长的事情,do well + do good_我是沃兹书评-查字典图书网
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今天_晴 我是沃兹 的书评 发表时间:2012-08-30 00:08:57

做自己喜欢并且擅长的事情,do well + do good


steve jobs的书多的要命也红的不行,也看过几本,但是我想我还是更喜欢woz这本。半夜1点多快睡着的时候开始读的,居然越读越高兴的突然发现3点半了。早上8点多醒来接着看了一阵子才准备上班。一下就翻掉了40%的内容。

语言特别的简单,的确也如其他sj的书里面提到的,woz是个简单单纯的人,他对自己所做的东西的热爱从他极其朴实的语言里面完全可以感受到。可能就是受这种passion感染,特别喜欢这本书。His childhood stories really strike a cord with me. 我想象不出比这样度过童年少年时代更加完美的了。

it's weird how this book just touched me -- again it's like reading it with my right brain, all emotional and excited. When I read about the technical details (I have very little idea about ee...)I actually got goosebumps from all the excitement that Woz was able to convey. But this is about technical details!! Lovely, simply lovely.

Another thing is, a great engineer as Woz was, he actually ended up doing different things as well. 这么牛的人都不是说在一条道儿上走到黑,而是也发展了多方面的兴趣。人的生活的确可以是多面的。

All in all I had great fun reading this book - it's very hard to put down once I start on it. 估计也是我逐字逐句读的最快的一本书了。

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对“做自己喜欢并且擅长的事情,do well + do good”的回应

小灰_faye 2012-12-19 08:47:13

makes sense :-)

今天_晴 2012-12-19 08:27:00

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. - Oscar Wilde

小灰_faye 2012-12-18 21:25:13

我的天,I love your every book comment you wrote, 但是你可不可以不要中英文交杂着写啊?Please?

鬼鬼 2012-09-13 11:23:42

我就喜欢这样的感觉,do well and do good