Why are we doing start-ups? F*** if I know..._创业者书评-查字典图书网
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彭萦 创业者 的书评 发表时间:2011-09-22 10:09:47

Why are we doing start-ups? F*** if I know...

 Startups are hard.
 Startups are really hard.
 Startups are really f****** hard.
 Startups are heartbreaking.
 Startups are soul crushing.
 Startups are life shortening.

 You can do everything right and still get f***** up!
 But TRUE entrepreneurs aren't in it for FAME and FORTUNE, are we? (though we hope for both...)
 Question: So why are we doing this again?
 Answer: F*** if I know...
 But here we are.
 Because we couldn't imagine doing ANYTHING ELSE!
 Isn't this the most unhealthy, but at the same time the most beautifully necessary obsession?!
Yes, absof******lutely!

Got really inspired by those stories of founders at those prestigious start-ups. I enjoyed reading the stories of
Apple -- If Steve Jobs is a genius, then Steve Wozniak is the godfather.While Steve was acting like an asshole, Steve Wozniak is so generous;
Hotmail --it happened when you have that kind of needs;
37Signals --Couldn't we say it's the coolest product design company ever? The team is extraordinary in every aspect. And a great product could be built by a single person within such a short time;
Paypal--you won't know the problem before you step into the water. Then you need a lot of luck, and problem-solving skills;
Craigslist-- again, when you need it, others would also need it(Is StartupDigest inspired by his story? or it's just coincidence?);
Flickr--When a man's wooing strategy is starting a company with a woman:D, and they couldn't time it better. besides, you never what's down there once you are in the market, but the thing is you have to get into it first.Plus, a woman should be prepared twice as a man to so a start-up, which is quite said, but true story;

Several things to reflect:
1 The founder is not always a Stanford dropout(even though I know some that are)...He or she could be anyone, from anywhere! REALLY!
2 People are the most important thing. Some of them even formed a team before they got an idea. Well, great idea would always come, so don't worry.
3 Don't start a company with your friends--That's not true.
4 Do a search engine or a platform! Isn't Youtube a search engine, isn't Flickr a search engine, isn't Gmail a search engine? And, isn't Craigslist a platform, isn't Flickr a platform, isn't Apple a platform?
5 Problem solving skill is the killer.
6 You'd better to complement to your co-founder
7 The most import thing is that you really ENJOY it!

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对“Why are we doing start-ups? F*** if I know...”的回应

阳_Supertramp 2012-02-23 15:40:08

The most import thing is that you really love your idea, people and the product.

touchsnow 2011-10-29 19:48:19

good !