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didiann 世界是平的 的书评 发表时间:2016-10-03 10:10:49



一. While I was sleeping-How the wolrd became flat:?

Ten forces that flattener the world:
1. 11/9/89 The fall of the Berlin wall on 11/9/89
2. 8/9/95.
3. Work flow software
4. Open-sourcing
5. Outsourcing
6. Offshoring.
7. Supplychaining.
8. Insorcing.
9. Informing
10.The steriod three: the tripple convergence

三:The great sorting out.
四: America and the flat world
五: Americn and free trade
六: The untouchables
七:The quiet crisis
八:This is not a test:Developing countries and the flat world
九、十:The vorgin of guadalupe: Companies and the flat world/Geopolitics and the flat world.
十一:The unflat world.
十二:The Dell threory of the conflict prevention.
Conclusion: Imagination.
十三:11/9 versus 9/11

24/7/365 we are all working. And all this has happened in the twinkling of an eye. First, the falling walls, the opening of Windows, the digitization of content, and the spreading of the Internet browser seamlessly conected people with people as never before.

While the dynamic force in globalization 1.0 was countries globalizing and the dynamic force in globalization 2.0 was companies globalizing, the dynamic force in globaliztion 3.0- the thing that gives it its unique character-is the newfound power for individuals to collaborate and compete globally. And the lever that is enabling individuals and groups to go global so easily and so seamlessly is not horsepower, and not hardward, but software-all sorts of new applications-in conjunction with the creation of a global fiber-optic network that has made us all next-door neighbors.

You'd better good at the touchy-feely service stuff, because anything that can be digitized can be outsourced to either the smartest or the cheapest porducer or both. Everyone has to focus on what exactly is their value-add.(higher-value-added)

Goods are traded, but services are consumed and produced in the same place. And you can't export a haircut. But we are coming close to exporting appointment part.

What is vital is to be honest with people about what we are doing and why and not sugarcoat the message.

Change is hard. Change is hardest on those caught by surprise. Change is hardest on those who have difficulty changing too. But change is natural. change is not new. Change is important. The current debate about off-shoring is dangerously hot. But the debate about work going to India, China and Mexico is actually no different from the debate once held about submarine leaving New London or shoe work leaving Massachusetts or texile work leaving North Carolina.

...Pack up and try to make a new start in... what goes around, comes around. my jaw really dropped when I... What prompted him to become his own news netwok... peak day..
You say you want a revolution? Well, the real information revolution is about beging.
From top-down structures into more horizontal and collaborative ones.
What is going on today is a much broader, much more profound phenomenon.
There are certain pivot points or watersheds in history that are greater than others because the changes they produced were so sweeping, multifaceted, and hard to predict at the time.

If the prospect of this flattening-and all of the pressures, dislocations, and opportunities accompanying it- causes you unease about the future, you are neither alone or wrong.

The speed of change is simply overwhelming them. and that is why the great challenge for our time will be to absorb these changes in ways that do not overwhelm people but also do not leave them behind. None of this will be easy. But this is our task. It is inevitable and unavoidable. It's the ambition of this book to offer a framework for how to think about it and manage it to our maximum benefit.

Communism was a great system for making people equally poor. In fact, there was no better system in the world for that than communism. Capitalism made people unequally rich.

Strengthening those below and weakening those above.

Turning ones gun sights on somebody. This in turn set off an explosion in demand for all things digital and sparked the Internet boom.

Package tracking and tracing system. Take our future in our own hands.

Open-source movement. bottom up/ top down. Go toe-to-toe with...

People will change their habits quickly when they have a strong reason to do so.

...meritocratic 精英管理的;贤能统治的 Road show路演 boon 恩物,恩惠,福利
titillation 搔痒,快感 Interface 接口,界面,介面 Underrated 被低估,被低估了
repository 知识库,资源库,版本库
Object Repository 对象库,对象仓库,打开对象库
repository Browser 储存机制浏览器,库浏览器,保存机制浏览器
stodgy loaf 瓤不松软的面包
stodgy food 易使人饱的食物
stodgy clothes 衣服挺好看
Algorithms 算法,演算法,算法概论
genetic algorithms 遗传算法,基因演算法,遗传演算法
Greedy algorithms 贪婪算法,第十六章,贪心算法
Jet lag时差 turbocharged..
ossify 骨化,僵化,硬化
Ossify oss 骨骨化僵化硬化
ossify fibromas 骨化性纤维瘤
Zero-sum game 零和博弈,零和博弈,零和博奕
fungible 代替物,可互换的,可代替的
fungible freight 可代替的货物
fungible things 可代替物,可代替的物品,代替物
mediocrity 平常,平庸,平庸之才
juggle 玩杂耍,尽力对付,耍弄
juggle seasons 乱作一团的秋冬
juggle with 欺骗
As goes juggling, so goes the world.
truism 真实性,自明之理,不言自明的真理
sports truism 健身旅游
come to light truism 众所周知
Rote learning 机械学习,机械学习,死记硬背
quibble 巧辩,狡辩,遁词
nto quibble 狡辩
equivocate quibble 说模棱两可的话
Scoundrel 坏蛋,恶棍,无赖
chief scoundrel 元凶
useless scoundrel 孬种
knuckle 指关节,转向节,指节
Knuckle spindle 转向节轴,万向节销,转向节轴
knuckle joint 铰链接合,铰链连接,叉形接头
Squandered 挥霍一空,被挥霍的
Squandered Resources 糟蹋资源
Squandered youth 挥霍青春
elixir英 [ɪ'lɪksə; -sɪə]美 [ɪ'lɪksɚ]
n. 不老长寿药;万能药;炼金药 (panacea)
Tenacity 韧劲,坚韧,韧性
tenacity N 粘性强
rupture tenacity 破坏强度,断裂韧性
glocalize (对市场开发)既有全球观念又要因地制宜
autocracy 独裁,独裁政治,独裁政府
hereditary autocracy 承继式的寡头政治,继承式的寡头政治
cultural autocracy 文化专制,文化专制主义,专制文化
discord 不和,不一致,不调和色
sow discord 搬弄是非,挑拔,挑拨离间
international discord 国际纠纷
ergonomic英 [,ɜːɡəʊ'nɒmɪk]美 ['ɝgə'nɑmɪk] 人类环境改造学的;人类工程学的
Ergonomic 人体工程学,人体工学,人类工程学的
ergonomic standard 工效学标准
Ergonomic mouse 人体工学鼠标
Felony 重罪,刑事重罪,三犯之重刑犯罪者
capital felony 重罪,重刑罪
Antitrust felony 反垄断重罪
catalyze 催化,激励,促使
catalyze distillation 催化精馏
enzyme catalyze 酶耦合催化
per se 本身,本质上,自身
per-se 本身
as-per-se 毁谤
totalitarian 极权主义的,极权主义者,集权主义的 Sheikh(Che) Guevara.
acquittal 宣告无罪,开释,宣判无罪
Notoriety 臭名,恶名,臭名昭彰
algebra 代数,代数学,代数 (环论)
ennobling 贵族的,使高尚
de facto英 [di:'fæktəu]美 [di:'fæktəu](法)实际上的
Relationship of De-facto 同居关系
de-facto economic integration 实际上的经济融合
de jure英 [,di:'dʒuəri]美 [diˈdʒʊri, deˈjʊre]法律上的;权利上的
de jure 按照法律的,法律上的,法理上
de jure recognition 法律承认,全国律法承认,法律承认[拉]
de jure corporation 已注册公司,法律上的公司,依法成立的公司
stymie英 ['staɪmɪ]美 ['staimi]n. 妨碍球vt. 从中作梗,阻挠;妨碍
Stymie 妨碍球,妨碍,阻碍
stymie v 妨碍
stymie abet 鼓励
rife英 [raɪf]美 [raɪf]adj. 普遍的;流行的;盛传的n. (Rife)人名;(西)里费;(英)赖夫
rife 流行的,普遍的,大量的
Submachine Rife 冲锋枪
rife with 充满,充斥的
nascent英 ['næs(ə)nt; 'neɪ-]美 ['næsnt]adj. 初期的;开始存在的,发生中的
nascent 幼稚的,初生的,初期的
nascent oxygen 初生氧,新生态氧,新生氧
nascent period 发育期
heresy英 ['herɪsɪ]美 ['hɛrəsi]n. 异端;异端邪说;异教
heresy 异端,异端邪说,邪说
China heresy 中国邪教,中国邪教,我国邪教
Divine Heresy 表演者
savvy英 ['sævɪ]美 ['sævi]n. 悟性;理解能力;懂行(的人)vt. 理解;懂vi. 理解;知道
Savvy 懂行,悟性,聪慧的
DIGITAL SAVVY 数字精明,数字精通,数码资讯科技
Organisation Savvy 组织窍门
volatility 挥发性,波幅,波动
panoply英 ['pænəplɪ]美 ['pænəpli]n. 华丽服饰;全套甲胄,全副盔甲
panoply 全副穿戴,全套披甲,全副甲胄
full panoply

From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity. Moats. . Veto a move.

Strait of Malacca-马六甲海峡 Foxconn 富士康 Woodstock music fastival. 伍德斯托克音乐
Tower of Babel 巴别塔;通天塔 quiz question. Chief Rabbi/imam. The curse of oil
trickle - torrent.
Give us some credibility to lecture others. achieve its full potential.

Old- time versus just-in-time

It's truism, but the more educated you are, the more options you will have in a flat world.

corporate citizenship. Take the best and leave the rest. The openness to adapt and adopt from others. Moorish Spain

Moving closer and well ahead. use it and abuse it. Read me right.

Middle class is a state of mind, not a state of income.

If you believe in social mobility- that your kids have a chance to live better than you do-and that hard work and playing by the rules of your society will get where you want to go.

All they see is gloom and darkness and despair. Promote accountability, transparency, education, and property rights.

Virtuous cycle/Vicious cycle. Soured relations. In every way possible.

Self-cure starts with self-realization and confession.

seek like-minded people. Have a profound impact on society. Steal the show. seed money. Hindsight. Ovarian lottery. Communist Manifesto. Bourgeoisie. mixed blessing. Proletarian.
pose a threat. So be it. Have a similar lament. Fat is what gives meat its taste. Lower-end service

Staying sharp and being in the game. From command to control to connect to collaborate. Self-sufficiency. Keep walls low enough. Be in the same trench with.

Human wants and needs are infinite. preserve the status quo.

It's premature to conclude that.

basic formula for economic success-reform wholesale, followed by reform retail, plus good governance, education, infrastructure, and the ability to glocalize.

You have to constantly upgrade your skills. Politically incorrect.

It was never good to be mediocre in your job.(mediocrity)

In business and in life, charater, personality, and human connections are more important than smarts.

social cohesion, religious faith, and national pride.

minimally invasive approach to
barely detectable air of superiority.

 foggy overcast day.. being seen as being on the wrong side of history. goes rotten. Toolkit. a backup plan. Swiss Army Knives. Career advancement or training to become more employable.

Greatly enriching one's knowledge pool thanks to.
Breaking even or profitable sooner. generate good liquidity and returns.
Cost pressures were enormous. By any stretch of the imagination
Reaped what it had sowed through hard work and education.
Fortune favors the prepared mind.
To get rich is glorious.
The thought in the back of your mind. This brings economies of scale.
Learned every lesson the hard way.
either you get flat or you'll be flattened by...

produced people with quality and by quantity. come with some pilot projects to get the ball rolling

Overinvestment is not necessarily a bad thing-provided that it is eventually corrected.

Every new product-from software to widgets-goes through a cycle that begins with basic research, then applied research, then incubation, then development,then testing, then manufacturing, then deployment, then support, then continuation engineering in order to add improvements.

We will do the lower-end work, and they will do the things that require critical judgment and experience, close to the market.

We are not fighting it. We are taking advantage of it.

In short, we had to go from an Internet that just connected people to people, and people to their own applications, to an internet that could connect any of my software programs to any of your software programs.

The idea is to constantly learn. You are always taking an examination. There is no end to learning...There is no real end to what can be done by whom.

Dalian has become for Japan what Bangalore has become for America.

The fewer natural resources your country or company has, the more you will dig inside yourself for innovations in order to survive.

We have gone from a vertical chain of command for value creation to a much more horizontal chain of command for value creation.

Zippies: The Zippies are here, declared the Indian weekly magazine Outlook. Zippies are the huge cohort of Indian youth who are the first to come of age since India shifted away from socialism and dived heardfast into global trade and the information revolution by turning itself into the world's service center.

Destination driven, not destiny driven, outward looking, not inward, upwardly mobile, not stuck-in-my-station-in-life. The caste system.

The perspective and predispositions that you carry around in your head are very important in shaping what you see and what you don't see.

The world starts to move from a primarily vertical (command and control) value-creation model to an increasingly horizontal (connect and collaborate) creation model.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say to me, "Tom, finish your dinner-people in China and India are starving". My advice to you is: girls, finish your homework- people in China and India are starving for your job."

Untouchables come in four broad catergories: workers who are special, workers who are specialized, workers who are anchored and workers who are really adaptable.

When you are changing jobs a lot, and when your job environment is changing a lot, being adaptable is the number one thing.

You have to be skillfully adaptable and socially adaptable.

Reskilling, continual professional education and client intimacy to develop new relationships keeps him or her ahead of the commodity curve and away from a potential offshore.

To change the course-even though right now the sky is blue, the winds are gentle, and the water seems calm.

The ideal country in a flat world is the one with no natural resources, because countries with no natural resources tend to dig inside themselves.

There is saying in China that whatever you put in your head and your stomach, no one can take away from you.

Have both a superiority and an inferiority complex at the same time.

The sky is not falling. Biodiversity. Have a leverage and are in position to set standards.

The brain gain started to go to braid drain.

Dirty little secret 1: The mumbers gap
                             2. The ambition gap.
                             3. The education gap.

The more the workforce feels mobile-in terms of health care, pension, benefits, and lifelong learning possibilities- the more it will be willing and able to jump into the new industries.

If you wna to live like a Republican, vote like a Democrat-take good care of the losers and left-behinds.

Playing out in slow motion. Lived up to one's potential. Windfall.

To get rich is glorious. Black cat, white cat, all that matters is that it catches mice. irrefutable fact.

Put simply, we need a new generation of parents ready to administer tough love.

Push out young people to go beyond their comfort zones, to do things right, and to be ready to suffer some short-run pain for longer gain, things will have to get worse before they get better.

Reform wholesale and reform retail. Good mutation. iris scan

Everybody wants economic growth, but nobody wants change.

When the world goes flat - and you are feeling flattened - reach for a shovel and dig inside yourself.

The small shall act big and the big shall act small. The best companies are the best collaborators.

The creative imagination of 11/9 and the destructive imagination of 9/11.

Same Altitue. Different Attitude

There are two ways to flatten the world. One is to use your imagination to bring everyone up to the same level, and the other is to use your imagination to bring everyone down to the same level.

one full of memories, one full of dreams.

There is fine lice between precaution and paranoia.

Our crazy notion that every problem has a solution, that tomorrow can be better than yesterday, that the future can always bury the past.

You were great in the fourteenth century, but that was then and this is now. When memories exceed dreams, the end is near.

The hallmark of truly successful organization is the willingness to abandon what made it successful and start fresh.

Our enemies can never defeat us. Only we can defeat ourselves.
Take away something very dear to them.

People don't change when you tell them there is better option. They change when they conclude that they have no other option.

One good example is worth a thousand theories.

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