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The Making of the State Enterprise System in Modern China 的书评 发表时间:2015-05-10 19:05:13


非常感谢各位对拙著的评论。下面将我最近发表的关于【重新界定中国革命】的论文标题以及论文摘要附上。各位若有兴趣阅读拙文,请与我联系。电子邮箱:bianmor@gmail.com 请各位批评指正。卞历南。

“Redefining the Chinese Revolution: The Transformation and Evolution of Guizhou’s Regional State Enterprises, 1937–1957.” Modern China 41 (May 2015): 313-350. This essay attempts to create a synthesis of the two opposing views surrounding the Chinese Revolution and redefine the Chinese Revolution in economic institutions by exploring the evolution of Guizhou regional economic institutions through both war and revolution. It is available at http://mcx.sagepub.com/content/41/3.toc. I have reproduced the abstract below:
In recent years, China scholars have often debated the meaning and definition of the Chinese Revolution. While some studies reveal discontinuity or radical and transformative change, others show continuity or gradual and evolutionary change. This article contributes to the debate by examining how the connective tissues in Guizhou’s regional economic institutions—the regional economic bureaucracy and regional state enterprises as well as enterprise organization, management, and incentive structures and mechanisms—emerged, grew, broke down, and were replaced over the period 1937 to 1957. Specifically, it focuses on the creation and expansion of Guizhou’s regional state enterprises, the transformation of enterprise authority structure, the transplantation of the Soviet economic accounting system, the appropriation of the Western accounting system, and the development of social service and welfare institutions. Drawing extensively on heretofore unavailable archival and published material, this study demonstrates that the changes in Guizhou’s regional economic institutions were both radical and transformative and gradual and evolutionary. In the process, Guizhou’s regional state enterprises came to be defined by bureaucratic enterprise governance, Chinese Communist Party control over enterprise employees, and distinctive enterprise management and incentive mechanisms.

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