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言之凿凿-爱因斯坦的梦 读书笔记

引子 入梦
It is too dream to confuse dreams or true.

1905年4月14日 时间为圆,世道沦回
Time is a circle,the world repeats itself.

1905年4月16日 时空穿越,由此到彼,前事种种,众生皆因,后事之果。
Now or future thrust into this or past time. Everything may become the reasons of the result .

1905年4月19日 做或不做,无论何为,时空三维,世界无数,这些世界,各有各的道理
To be or not to be ? whatever ,time and space has three dimensiouns, splits into an infinity of worlds. There are the reason for each.

1905年4月24日 这世界有两种时间,一种机械,另一种随性,两种交替并行,并则烦恼人生,分则快乐安闲,该往何时安身立命?
There are twe times in this world. One is mechanical time,the other is follow feel. Two worlds splits or in one. Where they meet ,desperation,where they separate,contentment.which time should we make the world?

1905年4月26日 有人相信距地心越远,时间流逝越慢。于是,人人往高处走,时光荏苒,未老先衰。
Some one belive that time more slowly the farther from the center of earth. So they lived their whole lives high up,they run by run, the time past ,old before their time.

1905年4月28日 时间是表,是工具,是统治者,是绝对的,是万事万物,不犹疑,不复返,一往无前。
Time is a watch,a tool,a infinite ruler ,is absolute,is everythings,no doubt,no again, move ahead without looking back.

1905年5月3日 在这个因果错乱的世界,不如活在当下
Live in the nowadays of the world in which cause and effect are erratic.

1905年5月4日 时间流过,却一成不变。人若无梦,苦不自知,如若有梦,甘之若贻。
Time dose pass,but life little change. If people don’t have a dream, they suffer unknowing, if they have, they suffer as candy .

插曲 1 dream or true, talk with a friend who named besso
Interlude 1 是梦或不是梦,和真实的朋友贝索聊天。

1905年5月8日 世界末日 没有人说话,身体没了重量,形状,白茫茫大地,真干净。
On last day of the world,no one talk,the body no weight,no shape, a vast expanse of whiteness so clesan.

1905年5月10日 人生而孤独,赤条条来去。
Everyone is alone,naked come and back.

1905年5月11日 时光无秩序,历史无真相,人生无意义。只是流逝,如风如水如流星。
In this world, time don’t follow order, the truth is out of histroy ,life is lack meaning. Just be, like wind water and falling star.

1905年5月14日 时间如同心圆似层层划过,圆心静止永恒,外圆转瞬即逝,中间是四季飞替,沧海桑田。
Time travels outward like concentric circles, rest forever at the center, the outer written in water. In the middle, seasons pass, the sea become field.

1905年5月15日 没有时间的世界,只有影像。
A world in which there is no time,only images.

1905年5月20日 没有记忆,人生如书的世界。习惯和记忆会使激情变得迟钝,没有记忆,人生若只如初见,无论什么,不会比轻风吹乱头发更要紧。
It’s a world that life is like a book without memory. Habit and memory will dulls the physical passion, no memory, life is like first meeting,whatever, no more than it matter a soft wind blow the hair.

1905年5月22日 时间忽快忽慢,世界变幻无常,未来乍隐乍现。
The time is fitfully, the world of changed, people glimpses the future is ruleless.

1905年5月29日 相对运动的时间,从一块云上看,大地也在动。
The motional time is all relative, the field is in motion, from a cloud,
Interlude 2 chat with besso
1905年6月2日 时间倒行逆施
Time flows backward.
1905年6月3日 人生仅一日,时光太珍贵,只得一次是出,一次日落,一次飘雪,一个秋日。
People live just one day, time is too precious,a life is only one sunrise,one sunset one snowfall ,one autumn day.
1905年6月5日 时间为一种感觉的世界,碰撞,相对,
There are some events will be crash base on any relative sequence in this world where time is sense.
1905年6月9日 人长生不死,但总不死,谁都不完整,要想活,唯有死,能了卸下重担,一了那没完没了的生命。 用有限战胜了无限。
If that people live forever, never dead, no person is whole. The only way to live is to die, free of the weight of the past,ending the infinite live ,the finite has conquered the infinite.
1905年6月10日 时间不是量而是质,存在,但无法测量。
Time is not a quantity but a quality, it is exists,but it can’t be measured.
1905年6月11日 没有未来的世界,孤独一时便是孤独一世,笑在此时就是笑在最后。
This is a world without future. Each loneiness is a final, each laugh is the last laugh.
1905年6月15日 时间是一个看得到的维度,结婚,生育,死亡那些事件一路排向隐隐的将来。
Time is a visible dimension.people can see births,marriages,deaths that those events in live are streching off into the far future.
1905年6月17日 时间断断续续,时间间隙微乎其微,有时天衣无缝,有时差之毫厘,谬之千里。
Time is discontinuous. so tiny are the disconnections in time. Somtime the new world looks just like the old.sometimes, a very slght displacements occur, will make a completely displacement result.
Interlude 3 chat with besso
1905年6月18日 人们发明钟表,让不能测量的时间硬被测量,并用生命付账。
People invention the clock, quantified the can be quantified time ,and pay it with their lives.
1905年6月20日 时间因地而异,在不同的地方有不同的速度和结果。
Time flows at different speed and result in different locations.
 1905年6月22日 未来即定的世界倒也怪自在的
Free in a fixed world without freedom.
1905年6月25日 这孤独的世界被重复了千万遍
The solitude world repeated a thousand times.
1905年6月27日 每人都有一份过去的记忆,真真切切一如此刻
Everyone has a memories, as solid as this instant.
1905年6月28日 时间像一只鸟,很难被捉到。
Time is like a bird that rarely caught.
The end :Einstein is wake up and awake a world.

20 MAY 1905(无中文)



  A glance along the crowded booths on Spitalgasse tells the story. The shoppers walk hesitantly from one stall to the next, discovering what each shop sells. Here is tobacco, but where is mustard seed? Here are sugar beets, but where is cod? Here is goat's milk, but where is sassafras? These are not tourists in Berne on their first visit. These are the citizens of Berne. Not a man can remember that two days back he bought chocolate at a shop named Ferdinand's, at no. 17, or beef at the Hot delicatessen, at no. 36. Each shop and its specialty must be found anew. Many walk with maps, directing the map-holders from one arcade to the next in the city they have lived in all their lives, in the street they have traveled for years. Many walk with notebooks, to record what they have learned while it is briefly in their heads. For in this world, people have no memories.
  When it is time to return home at the end of the day, each person consults his address book to learn where he lives. The butcher, who has made some unattractive cuts in his one day of butchery, discovers that his home is no. 29 Nageligasse. The stockbroker, whose short-term memory of the market has produced some excellent investments, reads that he now lives at no. 89 Bundesgasse. Arriving home, each man finds a woman and children waiting at the door, introduces himself, helps with the evening meal, reads stories to his children. Likewise, each woman returning from her job meets a husband, children, sofas, lamps, wallpaper, china patterns. Late at night, the wife and husband do not linger at the table to discuss the day's activities, their children's school, the bank account. Instead, they smile at one another, feel the warming blood, the ache between the legs as when they met the first time fifteen years ago. They find their bedroom, stumble past family photographs they do not recognize, and pass the night in lust. For it is only habit and memory that dulls the physical passion. Without memory, each night is the first night, each morning is the first morning, each kiss and touch are the first.
  A world without memory is a world of the present. The past exists only in books, in documents. In order to know himself, each person carries his own Book of Life, which is filled with the history of his life. By reading its pages daily, he can relearn the identity of his parents, whether he was born high or born low, whether he did well or did poorly in school, whether he has accomplished anything in his life. Without his Book of Life, a person is a snapshot, a two-dimensional image, a ghost. In the leafy cafes on the Brunngasshalde, one hears anguished shrieking from a man who just read that he once killed another man. sighs from a woman who just discovered she was courted by a prince, sudden boasting from a woman who has learned that she received top honors from her university ten years prior. Some pass the twilight hours at their tables reading from their Books of Life; others frantically fill its extra pages with the day's events.
  With time, each person's Book of Life thickens until it cannot be read in its entirety. Then comes a choice. Elderly men and women may read the early pages, to know themselves as youths; or they may read the end, to know themselves in later years.
  Some have stopped reading altogether. They have abandoned the past. They have decided that it matters not if yesterday they were rich or poor, educated or ignorant, proud or humble, in love or empty-hearted ?No more than it matters how a soft wind gets into their hair. Such people look you directly in the eye and grip your hand firmly. Such people walk with the limber stride of their youth. Such people have learned how to live in a world without memory.

Interlude 插曲

  Einstein and Besso sit at an outdoor cafe on Amthausgasse. It is noon, and Besso has talked his friend into leaving the office and getting some air.  
  "You don't look so good," says Besso. Einstein shrugs his shoulders, almost embarrassed. Minutes go by, or perhaps only seconds.  
  "I'm making progress,'' says Einstein.  
  "I can tell," says Besso, studying with alarm the dark circles under his friend's eyes. It is also possible that Einstein has stopped eating again. Besso remembers when he looked just like Einstein does now, but for a different reason. It was in Zurich. Besso's father died suddenly, in his late forties. Besso, who had never gotten along with his father, felt grief-stricken and guilty. His studies came to a halt. To Besso's surprise, Einstein brought him into his lodgings and took care of him for a month.  
  Besso sees Einstein now and wishes he could help, but of course Einstein does not need help. To Besso, Einstein is without pain. He seems oblivious of his body and the world.  
  "I'm making progress," Einstein says again. "I think the secrets will come. Did you see the paper by Lorentz I left on your desk?"  
  "Yes. Ugly and ad hoc. It couldn't possibly be right. The electromagnetic experiments are telling us something much more fundamental." Einstein scratches his mustache and hungrily eats the crackers on the table.
  For some time the two men are silent. Besso puts four cubes of sugar in his coffee while Einstein gazes at the Bernese Alps, far off in the distance and barely visible through the haze. In actuality, Einstein is looking through the Alps, into space. He sometimes gets migraines from such farsighted vision and must then lie on his green slip-covered sofa with his eyes closed.
  "Anna wants you and Mileva to come for dinner next week," says Besso. "You can bring the baby if you need to." Einstein nods.
  Besso has another coffee, sights a young woman at a neighboring table and tucks in his shirt. He is almost as disheveled as Einstein, who by this time is staring at galaxies. Besso indeed worries about his friend, although he has seen him this way in the past. Perhaps the dinner will be a diversion.
  "Saturday night," says Besso.
  "I'm engaged Saturday night," Einstein says unexpectedly. "But Mileva and Hans Albert can come."
  Besso laughs and says, "Saturday night at eight." He is puzzled why his friend ever got married in the first place. Einstein himself can't explain it. He once admitted to Besso that he had hoped Mileva would at least do the housework, but it hasn't worked out that way. The unmade bed, the dirty laundry, the piles of dishes are just as before. And there have been even more chores with the baby.
  "What did you think about the Rasmussen application?" asks Besso.
  "The bottle centrifuge?"
  "The shaft will vibrate too much to be useful," says Einstein, "but the idea is clever. I think it would work with a flexible mounting that could find its own rotation axis."
  Besso knows what that means. Einstein will work up a new design himself and send it to Rasmussen without requesting payment or even acknowledgment. Often, the lucky recipients of Einstein's suggestions don't even know who revises their patent applications. Not that Einstein doesn't enjoy recognition. A few years ago, when he saw the issue of Annalen der Physik bearing his first paper, he imitated a rooster for fully five minutes.

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