Another bubble like Internet?_The Zero Marginal Cost Society书评-查字典图书网
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midfielder The Zero Marginal Cost Society 的书评 发表时间:2015-04-23 20:04:54

Another bubble like Internet?

 First of all, you guys are supposed to know that zero marginal cost leads to something extremely low-price, even something free. Consequently, a zero marginal cost society will benefit human beings a lot as we can enjoy myriad low-price goods and services, even something free. To great extend, it depengs on IoT(Internet of Things) which requires tremendous investment prior to its performance. It reminds me of the Internet bubble from the end of 20th century to the very beginning of 21st century. Subsequenttly, more and more extremely low-price sercices or free services has come to us. So I just wonder if there will be an IoT bubble. But I also firmly believe that a society like what the book says must come to us! Honestly, it is not a waste of time to read this book. I highly recommend you it! Of course Chinses version will be better.

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