Am I starting?_"笨办法"学Python书评-查字典图书网
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托尼魏 "笨办法"学Python 的书评 发表时间:2011-10-16 16:10:21

Am I starting?

Just finished the book and exercises, although took only a glimpse at the last seven ones.

There is no doubt that it's a better introduction book than others. After I wrote down the first python program at 27th September, I spent a total of 20 hours on these exercises. I wouldn't get so many exercises from other introduction books, because Shaw kinda drove me around to type the code.
The best learning is to practice. No question. But for the most of time, we are to lazy to move our fingers.
It's a good book for python learner; it's a great book for some lazy python learner such as me.

Anyway, after doing dozens of exercises in such a short period time, I just get some feels and still needs more exercises coming. It is time to bring the hard stuff in.

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