Management, something that's more important th_卓有成效的程序员书评-查字典图书网
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swq457080 卓有成效的程序员 的书评 发表时间:2013-09-09 06:09:26

Management, something that's more important th

This is book about how to boost the programmer's productivity. In the first paragraph of the foreword of this book, the author says it lies in the methodology of using tools and philosophy. But after reading this book, I can't totally agree.

The book covers a lot topics related to productivity in different levels:
*the computer interaction: using searching instead of navigation, launching pad, editor choosing
*programming tools: code analyzer,
*programming methodology: Test driven design, Meta-programming, composed method, polyglot programming,
*programming philosophy: automation, Don't repeat yourself
*Programmer self-management: Focus, YAGIN, Don't sheave yak, accidental complexity and essential complexity.

The first two topics is purely about tools, the third is about how to using the programming language, and the last two is actually about programmer management. Anyway, if you treat the programming language and yourself as one kind of programming tools, the author's answer to productivity would match all the chapters of this book well.

Before I read this book, I have summarized some similar tips in the computer interaction aspect by myself. But now, honestly speaking, I'm not a productive programmer at all. Why? The answer lies in the last two parts, the programmer's self management.

Writing a script by using an unsuitable language will only waste me several hours, but doing something unnecessary things would cost me several days. We can run fast, but this should be based on the premise of the right direction. When I add this book to my read list, I also add another, Rapid Development, which states a general strategy for rapid development:
*Avoid classic mistakes
*Apply development fundamentals
*Manage risks to avoid catastrophic setbacks
*Apply schedule-oriented practices

From the view of this book, the Productive Programmer mainly solves the problem in the development fundamentals. As a research based programmer, management is much more important than the programming tricks.

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