To be a professional programmer_理解专业程序员书评-查字典图书网
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HG 理解专业程序员 的书评 发表时间:2010-01-02 22:01:04

To be a professional programmer

This book has not provide some expert detailed programming tips, but it surely give out a right direction for anyone who favors this field which is much more valuable in my opinion.

As a programmer, there are several crucial things,

first : intellegence(the writer is right),
there are not a small portion of people who don't understand what is programming, no matter how long they are as a programmer, they are very dangerous on this field, don't underestimate their power to ruin the whole project. How high is a person's IQ determine the person's way of thinking, whether they are prone to choose a simple way to solve a complicated problem or vice versa.

Second: dedicated (the writer ommited)
As a ordinary person, we are distracted by some other things besides work, our life stress, phyically phychologically, ect. To be a professional programmer, or to be professional in other vocation, phycically health and phychologically completeness are the base for a good programmer.
Good work comes from a healthy body and a clear mind.

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