Do not miss any opportunity to be fabulous._真希望我20几岁就知道的事书评-查字典图书网
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vancexu 真希望我20几岁就知道的事 的书评 发表时间:2012-02-22 00:02:00

Do not miss any opportunity to be fabulous.

This book, on the name of "A crash course on making your place in the world", really enlightened me greatly about how to be creative, how to be lucky, how to become successful, etc. Without using motivational words through the book, the author describes a lot of ture stories, which are fresh, interesting and revelatory, in a way of mother talking to her son or teacher to her students. Even though some of the principles explained there are farmiliar to you already, it is worthy of a couple of hours to get the fresh air -- something I guess you probably never heard (such as "Buy one, get two free" "Turn lemonade into helicopters") .

The most impressive lessons I've learned are:
Think differently, act crazily, succeed naturely.
Completely analysis yourself (recognize yourself), then trust yourself, bravely.
Kubi is totally unnecessary, confusion is not ugly or horrible. Adjust, change, act, succeed.
Those lucky and successful men deserve it. They work extremely hard, do things uncrediable differently.
A failure resume is a good idea~
Do not miss any opportunity to be fabulous.

Even though the book is recommended to great extent, you are free to disagree with what the author said (nobody is right all the time~). Besides, you should be to tolerate the author always puts five or more facts and two more principles in one chapter.
At last, I'd like to remind you of that all her teach < what you change and actually do!

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