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[已注销] 我就是要挑战这世界 的书评 发表时间:2011-01-29 17:01:30


      这本书的英文原名是《The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 》-“货真价实半印第安人日志”。第一次遇到这本书,我正深陷于自我怀疑的危机中,没有足够的自信,也失去了足够的热情去相信未来。面对社会学校的种种现实,心有不甘,却又畏惧所有权威和规则。就在那段时间,我走进书店,看到了这本书。它的名字,所带给我的震撼,是不言而喻的。

      This novel tells us a story about how an 14-year-old Indian boy keep seeking,a little wistfully, for the strength to lift himself out of rough situation.During the process ,he considers questions about what constitutes one's identity,community and tribe.
      1.Living in a poor Indian reservation,Arnold Spirit,a goofy-looking teenager,was born with many physical problems:over-sized head,42 teeth and poor eyesight.Because of these problems, Arnold is regularly the target of bullies.But the main difference between him and others is he love to draw.He says, "I think the world is a series of broken dams and floods, and my cartoons are tiny little lifeboats."
      If things go on ,maybe he will just become a typical Indian adult ,addicted into alcohol and companied with poverty forever .But something happened.On his first day of high school ,he finds his math book is the same one used by his mother 30 years ago.Realizing the tattered education condition of reservation,encouraged by his teacher ,Arnold decides to transfer to Reardan’s high school in which all the students are white ,and escape the hopelessness of reservation.His parents support his decision and his father says, "If hope has color, I think its color is-white."Although most of the people in the reservation regard him as a rebel , Arnold decides to begin his new life.He immediately becomes as much an outcast in his own community as he is a curiosity in his new one.
     Leaving the Spokane Indian Reservation to attend an all-white high school, Arnold struggles to find his place in his new surroundings.He determines to both improve himself and overcome the poverty. Gradually,he blends in with the people around him in school and becomes one of the significant members in the basketball team.During the first year he spends in Reardan's high school,he has to face the death of his relatives again and again and again,but he never gives up.Finally,on the funeral of his sister,Arnold meets his best Indian friend -Rowdy,who once break off their relationship for Arnold leaves the school in reservation.Rowdy says ,"people who move from place to place ,look for new place without any plan.That's what the ancient indians do. you're a real nomad, a real Indian. I always knew you would leave some day."
     An absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian is definitely worth reading.As a representative of adolescent literature,it makes teenagers to have a better understanding about themselves,their life and their place in the world.I'm especially happy that I choose this book.Both its humor and its sad narrative give me a deep impression.And that is th mark of the best kind of story.
                                                            May 4th,2010

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