CHAPTER 22:Professional Writing Expertise 读书笔记_The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance书评-查字典图书网
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CHAPTER 22:Professional Writing Expertise 读书笔记

Professional Writing Expertise
Ronald T. Kellogg

Skill Acquisition
Literacy is a fundamental goal of schooling in contemporary societies worldwide.

Deliberate Practice
Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Ro ̈mer (1993) defined the characteristics of deliberate practice as (1) effortful exertion to improve performance, (2 ) intrinsic motivation to engage in the task, (3 ) practice tasks that are within reach of the individual’s current level of ability, (4 ) feedback that provides knowl- edge of results, and (5) high levels of rep- etition.


作者告诉读者在训练的努力过程中要有目标(goal)(即是一个有目的的训练,刻意训练:deliberate practice),是一个循序渐进的过程(养成良好习惯,Successful writers often schedule only a few hours per day for composing, and avoid binges that lead to exhaustion),一个自我驱动的练习(self-motivated practice)。

Extensive reading is a powerful predictor of the amount of general knowledge that an individual accumulates in long-term memory (Stanovich & Cunningham, 1993 ). A composite measure of print exposure is strongly correlated with a composite measure of general knowledge (r = .8 5 ). This relationship remains statistically significant even after the effects of cognitive ability are removed. How much one knows depends on how much one reads.
Because a wide range of knowledge is so important for writers (Kellogg, 1994), it is not surprising that professional writers report reading extensively, even compulsively.

How much one knows depends on how much one reads.

Piirto (2002) concluded from her case studies that professional writers often begin reading early in childhood and read compul- sively throughout their lifespan.


science fiction writers read sci- ence fiction, whereas romance writers read romances.


The Ten-Year Rule

Studies of chess players (Simon & Chase, 1973), musical composers (Hayes, 1985), and other domains (Ericsson et al., 1993) have suggested a rule of thumb that it takes at least a decade of intensive practice to achieve excellence. In the case of writing, the clock starts early, since spoken language and scribbling are developed in preliterate children (Lee & Karmiloff-Smith, 1996). By the age of 12 to 14 years, children have spent ten years mastering the mechanics of hand- writing and spelling.

为了获得expert performance,需长时间苦练,是谓十年磨一剑。
4岁开始拼读、书写,到12-14岁我们基本掌握了这项技能。可将具体转化为抽象,this advancement from concrete to abstract thinking is essential for writing cohesive texts.

An idea is retrieved from long-term memory and then told to the reader by writing it down. This process continues until the writer has no more ideas to retrieve and communi- cate.


Reflection on the exist- ing text can prompt the writer to restruc- ture the ideas stored in long-term memory, elaborating and reorganizing what the writer knows about the topic.


After mastering handwriting and achiev- ing written fluency at ages 12 to 14, approximately a decade of practice is need- ed to progress from knowledge-telling to knowledge-transforming.


the earlier the writer starts the better.

ten to twenty years of writing seemed to span their first scribbling as a toddler to their first masterpiece.
both poets and fiction writers developed mechanics and cognitive writing skills for 15 to 20 years before first publishing.

作品是一个不断加速积累的过程,作者以Isaac Asimov’s prolific career为例说明这一点。

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