For you , thousand times more_the Kite Runner书评-查字典图书网
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jennycqd the Kite Runner 的书评 发表时间:2015-08-03 03:08:36

For you , thousand times more

I have nothing t read when I am back to home, Wenzhou. So I dig my old books from shelf. I found this cheap printed 5 yuan book, the kite runner. I can't say how much I love the first half of this book. I lay my bed to cry hard for his relationship between his half brother. My favorite characters are his half brother and his dad.
    His half brother is such loyal , sweet and kind person. For you, thousand times more. Oh my goodness. How can I don't cry with this? Also I respect his dad by his determination of not applying low income in USA. He thinks he could make a living by his own labor. By living in USA, I know there are so many people has ability to make a living but still take advantage of the law to apply low income.

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