I find something weird in this book_灵性开悟不是你想的那样书评-查字典图书网
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瞿源 灵性开悟不是你想的那样 的书评 发表时间:2013-05-10 16:05:35

I find something weird in this book

A, I only bought and read the Chinese translation of The Damnedest Thing ;

B, I've downloaded an Ebook of The Damnedest Thing (English);

C, I found that there's a lot of differences between them, especially in the chapter of Layers. I‘m gonna tell you something weird:

In the Chinese Version of chapter Layer, page 161, there's a paragraph which DO NOT exist in the downloaded English version Ebook. And this very paragraph seems really weird, I'll translate some of the content back to enlish here:

(After Jed's conversation with Chris, Jed continued cleaning the dishes, and mentioned the Vietnamese Zen master...And Jed says:"I disgress, that's where my mind really goes when I wash the dishes...ten years without ever speaking to me" OK, now we come to the paragraph.)

 ..................................I might divert my attention to video games, movies or a conversation for a while, but I always go back to the center of awe, gratefulness and Great pleasure. This is the natural status after awaking. (Sorry for my poor translation...)

(After this parapraph, it's : "I finish the kitchen and make my way upstairs. I get the PlayStation........ ")

Don't you think it's weird!?
Firstly, this paragraph doesn't exist in downloaded English version Ebook. There are two possibilities:

A, This paragraph never exist in any version, Jed never say anything like that. Then Jed, you should give a call to the Chinese version Publisher.

B, This paragraph do exist, but not in the version that I downloaded.

If it's situation B, and I think it's getting more weird~! Because, to my understanding, Jed has said many times that the Truth has nothing to do with those "Joyful Status", if you want to find those "Joyful Status" go somewhere else, the Truth ,or Wake Up, whatever you call it, never give you such things, am I right, guys? So, why Jed says he has such Joyful Status after realise the Truth???
WHY? WHY? WHY??????

I think I express myself clearly, well, I hope so.....
Tell me, it's A, or B.........

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对“I find something weird in this book”的回应

Dance 2013-07-25 09:42:13


瞿源 2013-05-26 01:05:39


代替你 2013-05-25 11:13:52



瞿源 2013-05-24 15:41:49


代替你 2013-05-24 11:35:34

probably B, you know, download version is not a official version.

the problem is, i think, you expect something from Jed, something like consistency.