wonderful guidebook for designers!_Articulating Design Decisions书评-查字典图书网
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Yingying Articulating Design Decisions 的书评 发表时间:2015-11-07 11:11:28

wonderful guidebook for designers!

I got an early release PDF version of this book from Oreilly's special promotion and I fell in love with it immediately. This is a great how-to book for anyone who wants to be a great designer. As a self-made designer, I found I spend so much time learning how to be confident in meetings and articulating my designs to otherss, and I always look for tips to improve this. This book has been one of my favorite findings, I have so many notes on the side that it almost covers the page, I also did some doodles to summarize my learnings. So many examples in this book resonates in my mind, and I love Tom's tips. The book is very clearly organized. Tom puts us in a scenario where a meeting with stakeholders on design decisions is about to happen, he walks us through different stages of the meeting, and in each stage offers great tips on how to handle different situations. His language is also very enjoyable, my favorite plain English style, very easy to read. Definitely worth five stars and beyond. I highly recommend this book to any designer, and specially those who are self made like me. It will guide you to become a great designer!

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对“wonderful guidebook for designers!”的回应

眼凉 2015-12-15 09:35:15

你好!请问您的PDF可以转发一份给我吗?我可以给您全价。之前我在网上买的是final version,感觉和您手中的early version有挺大差别,想再要一份。谢谢!

匚若 2015-11-23 04:13:39

Same here. As a researcher-turned-designer, presenting my work is always a bit of challenge to me. This books is very helpful with its practical guidance. I'm glad to know that someone likes this book too. By the way, i feel I know you from UXRen...

我不是周杰伦 2015-11-18 00:58:21
