a cute guide for acedemic writing_How to Write a Lot书评-查字典图书网
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慢吞吞 How to Write a Lot 的书评 发表时间:2012-06-28 07:06:51

a cute guide for acedemic writing

The short book by Dr. Silvia is more about how to overcome your anxiety and procrastination when confronted with a big and complex writing task than as a technical scientific writing manual. It is very successful on this aspect--motivating and funny!

The most important message the author conveyed to fulfill the writing target is "make a writing schedule and stick to it whatsoever", which has been emphasized in chapter 1.

The rest of the book are the practical tips on how to writing more effectively and publication. The author did a great job to explain general procedures on revising and resubmitting the manuscript, writing the cover letter to editors. The advices on writing the manuscript itself like how to write the literature reviews are sometimes a little vague given the author's assumption for the book. But he also offers a great reference list for those technical parts.

Beside the content, Dr. Silvia is frank to his readers and super humorous! I take great pleasure to read it and decide to buy myself a copy for occasional encouragement. Would strongly recommend it to every grad!

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