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中文版序 亲爱的读者: 在编程的世界里,我们会和各种各样的“语言”打交道。虽然我主要的服务器端开发语言是C#,但我的工作方法却几乎可以完全应用到Java、PHP、Ruby或Python上。编程语言虽有不同,核心的编程思想、方法和架构却是高度类似的。我们只是用不同的方式来表达而已。 我们的工作方式也具有普遍性——如何保持干劲、提高成效,教学的重要性,如何与客户合作,如何发现合适的流程,勇于摆脱不好的流程。此外,我猜想,我通过编程学到的人生一课,不仅适合在美国工作的我们,也可能适用于在中国工作的你。 作为在美国出生的第一代华裔,我非常荣幸这本书能够被翻译成我父辈的语言。我在美国长大,在西方文化中生活,同时也有一些中国的传统价值观。我对于应该如何在这个行业工作的看法肯定受到了两种文化的影响。 无论你是刚刚投身编程事业,正在创业,还是在寻找一些新鲜的观点,我都希望这本书在现在和未来都能对你有所启发。 张家为 Dear readers, In the world of programming, we work with “languages” of all different kinds. Though my primary server-side development language is C#, the way I work almost fully translates to the world of Java, PHP, Ruby, or Python. Core programming ideas, methodologies, and architectures are highly similar between these different coding worlds. We just express them in different ways. The same is true for how we work - How we stay motivated and productive, the importance of teaching, working with clients, discovering the processes that work just-right and being brave enough to shed the ones that don’t. And, I’d imagine that the life lessons I’ve learned through programming translate not just to how we work in the U.S., but how you might work in China. As a first-generation American born to Chinese parents, I was tremendously humbled to have this book translated to my ancestral language. I grew up in the United States, living in a western culture while growing up with some traditional Chinese values. My opinions on how we ought to work in this industry have certainly been influenced by both cultures. Whether your just beginning your career in programming, starting your own small business, or seeking some fresh perspectives, I do hope you find this book valuable now and in the future. Sincerely, Ka Wai Cheung








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