这种古董书,非常不情愿花时间看, 因为在两个比较牛google的员工blog上看到这书决定看看.
但是搞不懂, 为什么amazon上的一个用户有这样的评论:
The Most Important Software Book I Ever Read.
By A Customer on March 31, 1998
Format: Paperback
Software Tools. I can't say enough about how important this book was - and still is - to me. The Software Tools in Pascal version does not have the same effect - it doesn't really work. But Software Tools gets across the idea that you do not have to accept the constraints of your environment to produce excellent programs.
所以决定要找到这个版本, 费了好大力气找到了电子版, 我把它放在Google drive上了, download it if you need it: