Kind of funny
the most impressed tree's name is "Monkey Puzzle", who the hell name it. This tree's imagine, chinese name and detail description leave no trace in my head, except its name... see 名字起得好不好, 是很重用地...
Another funny thing is about Magnolia. one named as Magnolia Campbellii滇藏木兰. Here it comes. This time it is chinese name catch my eyes. In addition, it take twenty years to have its first blossom. Wow...
Another one is called Magnolia(heaven scent). Just the name is enough...lots of illusion came from the name, including every romantic elements
Apart from the above good side, I have to admit I cannot recognize the pines and cedar..Many of them seems similar to me. anyway, it still deserve a look. Expecially if you intend to give a trip to Suzhou, hangzhou in earlier April.