Just about finished he Omnivorous Mind. I must advise I hated the first chapter, loved the second one, and was neutral about most of the others. The author (Allen) is impressed with himself and his knowledge, which is not always correct. One example, he says "leaving the table 80% full" is a Japanese notion. Maybe the Japanese copied it from whence it came. It is Chinese saying (and I am surprised you did not recognize it, and I do not know who said it in print first. Allen supports that notion citing a reference in a book he wrote. Tsk! Tsk! It is a no-no to cite one's self on a common saying, a Chinese one, at that; and all too often he does cite himself...that is a mite immature n his part.
The book has more quotes and citations than are needed or deserved; many for commonsense ideas, generalizations, and the like.
My thoughts are not all bad, there are some interesting ideas. However, I am unfamiliar with several, not the diet ones as I am familiar with a lot of that literature, and there he does use many generalizations, not facts. However, I am not an archaeologist nor even an anthropologist, so I suggest before you quote him you check his notions/ideas with people more knowledgeable than I.
P.S. 评论者Dr. Jacqueline M Newman是Flavor and Fortune的主编,这是西方世界唯一一份用英文专门介绍中国烹饪的杂志,www.flavorandfortune.com 大家也可以就相关问题,给她e-mail: flavorandfortune@hotmail.com