women's struggle for freedom_The Color Purple书评-查字典图书网
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rudy The Color Purple 的书评 发表时间:2012-03-18 22:03:19

women's struggle for freedom

 Celie, a black woman , who once never said anything against father or husband, with the assistance of Shug, got out of the misery and burden of black women sexually and phycially, and became an independent woman. The change in Mr._ is ironical. Blown by the loss of his lover and housekeeper, celie, Mr._became sumple and understanding, even lending his hands in daily chores. the rotated positions of these characters happened so spontaneously and inspriingly. Let's fill our heart with confidence in black strength. I love happy endings~~~~~
The stepfather thing is what I haven't expected. A bastard. shameful. Grab others' wife, house, even the innocence of the sisters and their right to know the truth. But the peculiar coincidence that samual and C adopted the boy and the girl and then accidentally spelled the true story is somewhat dramatic. What we can say, no drama no stories.





