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奥德赛的暗流 看谁在说谎 的书评 发表时间:2010-09-17 23:09:23















Corapit 2012-08-28 11:45:24


2.0 out of 5 stars You won't get much out of this one July 21, 2005
By Nashville Psychologist
I've never given one star, but this was the closest I have come in a long time.

After reading "Never Be Lied to Again" I was shocked to see people had rated it so high. I am a fifth year grad student studying psychology and law. While detecting deceit is not my primary area of research, I have read a decent amount of the literature. The information in this book seems to conflict with some of the most widely accepted findings in the research community. For example, Dr. Lieberman claims that when someone is lying they do not give details because "the event never happened." However, empirical research shows that people tend to give "too many" details, because they are trying to convince you. There are several discrepancies of this nature.

Dr. Lieberman says this book was a result of his own research. Out of curiosity, I entered his name in a PsycINFO word search. PsycINFO is a database of over 2000 psychological journals, most of them peer reviewed (and, therefore, accepted by others who study the topic). Dr. Lieberman's name did not produce any results. Books are troublesome in that regard. You can write anything you want and pass it off as fact. He also proudly displays those three all-important-letters behind his name, but he never says where he earned his Ph.D. I am not suggesting he got his degree on-line, but it would be nice if he added that information to the biography section.

To be fair, I am guess I'm not the target audience for this book. It's really more of a pop-culture book. The kind of thing advertised on the Today Show. But it troubles me that some of the information is wrong. Two good things about this book:

1. It is definitely a quick read that you could finish in a day or two. But that is because all the wasted space between chapters and sections. There are over 200 pages in the book but without the wasted space it would have been closer to about 125. Of course, nobody would buy it then.

2. I guess it would look good on your shelf, if you are into that kind of thing. As long as others haven't read it you could probably convince them that you learned a lot in the book and can tell when they are lying.

Ironically, one of the sections is entitled "A White Lab Coat Doesn't Make Anyone an Expert." Having a Ph.D. doesn't either. Bottom line, I am kicking myself for paying full price for this book. If you can get one for 5 or 6 bucks (or if money is no object), and you interested by the mixed reviews, why not give it a try? But don't get your hopes up. I personally won't be buying anymore of his books.

Purple 2011-09-06 20:04:25


奥德赛的暗流 2011-04-24 12:33:07



Shrelock 2011-04-22 16:33:44
