Book Summary for future reference_非理性繁荣书评-查字典图书网
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tael 非理性繁荣 的书评 发表时间:2012-03-25 09:03:49

Book Summary for future reference


The evidence of irrational exuberance
The Stock Market in Historical Perspective
The Real Estate Market in Historical Perspective

Structural Factors

Precipitating Factors:
The Capital Explosion
The Internet
and the other Events

Amplification Mechanisms:
Naturally Occurring Ponzi Processes

Cultural Factors:
1. The News Media
"The news media are in constant competition to capture the public attention they need to survive. Survival for them requires finding and defining interesting news, focusing attention on news that has word-of-mouth potential, and, whenever possible defining an ongoing story that encourages their audience to remain steady customers."
Media cultivation of Debate; Reporting on the Market Outlook; News as the Precipitator of Attention Cascades;
2. New Era Economic Thinking
3. New Eras and Bubbles around the World

Psychological Factors:
Psychological Anchors for the Market
Herd Behavior and Epidemics

Attempts to Rationalize Exuberance
Efficient Markets, Random Walks, and Bubbles
Investor Learning - and Unlearning





