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paranoid 疯传 的书评 发表时间:2013-03-14 17:03:50

'Contagious': Jonah Berger on Why Things C

'Contagious': Jonah Berger on Why Things Catch On
Published: March 13, 2013 in Knowledge@Wharton

If you have watched and shared PSY's "Gangnam Style" video or gone into an unknown restaurant simply because it was full of people and appeared to be popular, you have the basis for understanding what makes things go viral. In Wharton marketing professor Jonah Berger's new book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On, he identifies six principles that cause people to talk about and share an idea or product. Knowledge@Wharton recently sat down with Berger to learn more about his findings, including why people share cat memes, which organizations and individuals have conceived and implemented the most successful viral campaigns -- from Blendtec to 'Movember' -- and why making something contagious does not have to be expensive.

An edited transcript of the conversation follows.








对“'Contagious': Jonah Berger on Why Things C”的回应

赖的特别 2013-04-14 21:33:53

博格作为一名教授的特点在书中体现了出来。某些时候正当你感觉仿佛坐在教室中听他上课时,他会突然笔锋一转叫你“花一分钟一起做个游戏”。而且书中似乎用了过长的篇幅来强调设计一个完美病毒式营销活动所需要的“STEPPS”六要素,即社交货币(Social Currency)、触发点(Triggers)、情感元素(Emotion)、公众(Public)、实用价值(Practical Value)以及故事性(Stories)。