A true but not so pleasant aspect of the 80s_贼巢书评-查字典图书网
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加减法 贼巢 的书评 发表时间:2008-02-27 05:02:19

A true but not so pleasant aspect of the 80s

The author wrote the story from a prosecutor's perspective, narrative, accurate, informative and objective. A good book to know how the system was run corruptly in the buyout fury and junk bond ruling age, but not so beneficial to people who want to understand the business.
Junk bond is a great invention by a smart trader with both raw trading skill and slick business sense beyond peers trader who focused on just the number and screens.
A certain part in Lewis' <Liar's Poker> provides insight on how one of the most successful innovations in financial history is created in by a single individual - Milken's contrary wisdom. Check it out.





