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发哥 街头智慧 的书评 发表时间:2013-12-01 21:12:25


Jim Rogers88年第一次在中国旅行,便形成了中国会领导下一个世纪的看法。女儿4岁时携妻子迁居亚洲,首选是上海,其次考虑香港,只是因为空气污染和语言放弃,最后选择了融合中西的新加坡定居。Jim Rogers坚定地看好亚洲,看好中国,书中为中国的政治与社会的辩解让人信服,很难想象这位地道在美国乡土长大,在华尔街发家的地道美国人竟会如此力挺中国,看好亚洲。Jim Rogers对美国极为悲观,痛批美国及西方发达国家的没落,指出英国的年代是19世纪,美国的年代是20世纪,在债务和错误政策的重压下,对投资者而言美国直有做空一种选择。
the sun is rising in the east,Jim Rogers也谈到了自己非常关注的Myanmar,指出这是中国的1978年,这个富有资源、人民勤劳、身处亚洲的国家,在过去耽搁数十年后将有无穷的潜力爆发。
关于投资机会,当然Jim Rogers还谈到了资源的匮乏,未来投资大宗商品commodities的机会,粮食价格的必然上涨,中国、缅甸、北朝鲜这些地区出发和到达的旅游业的机会。说到这些,不愧是street smarts.
讲到美国,all empires have ended badly, and the reason is that, as empires, they simply spent too much money.
agriculture - it will be a lucrative sector of the world economy fo rth enext two or three decades.
the other is extraction of shale gas and oil.
education is a big problem in US, together with the high expenses in med care. tax system is a nightmare.

作为一个养育了两个女儿的父亲,Jim Rogers最后的感悟特别令人动容。他不想给孩子带来太多的财务,to prevent them from hard working, coz there is nothing better than having to struggle and make your own way. once you have money, of course, you do not want to do that. If I can leave them smart, educated, knowledgeable, ambitious, persevering people, I can lose everything and it will not matter. I will have prepared them to make their way without any money from me, and that is much better. If I leave them nothing else, I hope to leave them with the courage to dream, to pursue their passion whatever it might be, to dare to try even if they fail. I want them to understand that the only real failure is not to try, the only improper question the one unasked.





