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九牛二鼠 赢得输家的游戏 的书评 发表时间:2014-02-23 15:02:10




    在投資領域,第一要務就是不要貪心,然後才是想辦法把屬於自己的那份賺過來。Success is getting what you want, but happiness is wanting what you get.

    In a winner’s game, the outcome is determined by the correct actions of the winner. In a loser’s game, the outcome is determined by mistakes made by the loser.

    An investor missed just the 10 best days over the past 109 years he or she would miss two-thirds of the total gains, that’s 10 days out of 39,812 days.
    About 10 percent of those boys are honest to God soldiers! The rest... are just... targets! -- Full Metal Jacket.
    75 percent of all the trades on the NYSE are made by the 100 largest and most active institutional investors.

1. Determine a long-term mix of assets: how much in stocks, real estate, bonds, or cash.
2. Determine the real purpose of investment: growth, income, safety, according to when the money will be used.
3. Diversify within each asset class and between asset classes. Bad things do happen, usually as surprises.
4. Plan your play and play your plan.

Ignore the “base rate”. Even though we know the odds are against us, we gamble at casinos and get caught up in bull and bear market.
Believe in “hot hands”. Believe that recent events mater, even in flipping coins.
“Confirmation-biased”, looking for and overweighting the significance of data that support our own initial impressions.
We think we are “above average” than we really are.

    Old Wall Street question: “What’s the fastest way to make a small fortune? Answer: “Start with a large fortune and try to copy the experts.”
 What are the real risks to you of an adverse outcome, particularly in the short run? Unacceptable risks should never be taken.
 What are your probable emotional reactions to an adverse experience? Avoiding market risk does have a real “opportunity cost”.
 How knowledgeable are you about the history and the realities of investing and the realities and vagaries of financial markets? Understand how it feels to be in a storm, and it helps learn how to remain calm in the next one. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
 What other capital or income resources do you have, and how important is your portfolio to your overall financial position?

    If a typical stock’s share price is $40, the range of trading during the day might easily be from $39.25 to $40.50, a range of $1.25, or 3.1 percent of the average price for the day.
    Let’s postulate that an investment in this hypothetical stock would have an expected daily return of 0.04 percent (10 percent annual return divided by 250 trading days each year) and a range around that expected average of plus or minus 1.55 percent (the 3.1 percent intraday range divided by 2).
    The average annual expected rate of return would still be 10 percent, but the range of returns around the 10 percent would be a daunting ±387.5 percent!
    In other words, the annualized rate of return for a one-day investment in our hypothetical stock would be somewhere between a profit of 405.5 percent and a loss of 372.5 percent.

    Portfolio management is investment engineering. An efficient portfolio has greater expected returns than any other feasible portfolio has greater expected returns than any other feasible portfolio with equal risk, and less risk than any other feasible portfolio with equal expected returns.

    Investment returns come from 1) quite predictable cash received from interest or dividends and 2) quite unpredictable, in the short run, gains or losses in market price.
    前者是基礎收益,可以通過企業利潤預測,後者是投機收益,可以通過長期利率判斷,長期利率受預期通脹影響,再加上”equity premium” that reflects the uncertainty of investing in stocks, plus or minus a “speculative” factor reflecting how optimistic or pessimistic investors currently feel.

    對抗通脹。At 3 percent inflation, which most people accept as “normal”, the purchasing power of your money is cut in half in 24 years. At 5 percent inflation, the purchasing power of your money is cut in half in less than 15 years, and cut in half again in the next 15 years to just one-quarter.
    Any funds that will stay invested for 10 years or longer should be in stocks. Any funds that will be invested for less than two to three years should be in “cash” or money market instruments.
    儘管如此,If you don’t know who you are, the stock market is an expensive place to find out. So are the markets for real estate, commodities, and options.
    房地產不適合長期投資。Over the 30 years to year-end 2007, before the nationwide decline, the value of an average home rose at 5.5 percent a year. Of this, 4.1 percent was just inflation. Cost, including taxes, insurance, and routine maintenance, were 3 percent.
    黃金等商品期貨不適合長期投資。Dealing in commodities is really only price speculation. It’s not investing because there’s no economic productivity or value added.

    In retirement, be conservative, better safe than sorry. Limit annual withdrawals to 4 percent of a three-year moving average of your portfolio.

    Warren Buffett says that the perfect amount to leave children is “enough money so they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing.”(完)






