Minireview of Seeking Wisdom_Seeking Wisdom书评-查字典图书网
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Chen Seeking Wisdom 的书评 发表时间:2010-06-16 12:06:42

Minireview of Seeking Wisdom

I like this book about its logical flow, gathering of people's thoughts and life examples.

I also like how the book starts with evolution. The brain carries thoughts and ingenious thoughts are seen as wisdom. The explanations of how people make decisions in terms of biological reasons have been very well revealing the fundamentals where other psychological, physical and mathematical reasons are built on. Sometimes we need to understand the basics to make good decisions, which has just been simply implied by the structure of the book.

Although a lot of quotes and examples are collected from Buffett and Munger, it is not just a book about wisdom seeking in investment but rather reflecting wisdom throughout life and world no matter what you are. We deserve what we do, but the quality of achievement depends on how we think.

By sharing people's experience in succeeding, this book by Peter Bevelin gives directions for those who want to succeed in life and encourages to build up their own wisdom.

(For more details, please read the book.)







对“Minireview of Seeking Wisdom”的回应

Chen 2010-07-25 10:31:49


2010-07-24 17:58:48

How people make decisions in terms of biological reasons.